More "out of control" acceleration (KIA) caught on tape.

Ignorance is becoming the norm, especially in the Southern States and it is rarely punished.

“I didn’t see the biker”
“I didn’t know how to turn my car off”

it’s plenty common up here as well though, just ask anybody who’s ever worked retail.

which makes sense.


seems like one of the rare logical design elements for once.

For punishment for this lady… I should be allowed to ride shot gun with her every day for 30 days… and while shes going along, reach over sneaky like and bump it into nutral out of the blue. Like a reminder “you could have done this you dumb bitch”.


Better yet drive with her for 30 days but she can’t use the seat belt.

Every once in a while, on high way speeds, or while accelerating on an onramp just SLAM on the brakes to show her what they are capable off when you actually press them.

Concussion from smacking the head on the windshield is part of the learning process.

What a CUNT: Can’t Understsnd Normal Thinking.

Cops should’ve told her the accelerator was a giant Snickers, fat fuck would’ve ripped that thing out of the floor.

Cop should’ve shot her. Right there.

pit her into bridge pilon

Perfect night stick to the temple moment when she got out of the car.

Automatics are weeding out the retards! :rofl

aparantly not… they are all still alive and kicking!

and walking away to do it again scott free.

Hey it tried. Makes it that much better its a K.I.A. :lol

LOOOL I put 10$ on :skid doesnt get the joke.

I bet the lady was speeding saw a cop and said “fuck it I’ll mash the pedal and call 911”

its time they start teaching people how to react to stuck gas pedal in the 5 hour cousrse or defensive driving.

“Our technicians have been unable to duplicate the issue and this appears to be an isolated incident,” the South Korean company said in a statement released Friday. “KMA will continue to investigate and analyze the facts of this situation and will work with the customer to resolve the matter in a timely manner.”

  • Kia

If they can’t make it do it again in her car, she should be slapped with all kinds of tickets


Its a damn cable actuated throttle body, and a run of the mill auto shit transmission.

The only way it could stick ONCE is if something held it in a position. If that bastard released and worked normally after the incident, its not a kinked cable, rusted cable or throttle body, messed up return spring, etc. Another words if you disconnec the cable from the throttle body, open the TB and let go, if it snaps closed like an aligator that takes the TB 100% out of the question. If the cable moves in and out on the sleeve to the pedal with no resistance that too is elimintated.

Dumb bitch probably had the floor mat jambed on it.

Cant prove shit, you get a fuck load of tickets.



Bitch had so much ankle fat she couldn’t lift off.

Kias are for suckers. All of their cars have “modern” interior and exterior designs but they’re still made with the same cheap suspension and drivetrain parts and (as expected) handle accordingly.

No thank you.