Little Kia that could... make it's own roads.


If you’re wondering if it’s some teen having a fun time (not to mention impressed by the fact that it’s maintaining speed and god knows how long this went on before or after video rolled), it’s not quite.

UPDATE: Local news reports suggest that the woman was having a diabetic response and wasn’t aware of what was happening. Scary.

Edit: So yes, in case you were wondering it is a woman.

Just like this.


This made for good laughs tonight @ JVG’s. :rofl Dood’s on a roll!


does anyone else thing that sounds like Johnny Knoxville?

didnt know there was sound…lol oops

UPDATE: Local news reports suggest that the woman was having a diabetic response and wasn’t aware of what was happening. Scary.

My boss always tells me the story of his buddy where he led cops on a police chase from exit 15 -18 all by taking back roads and never going over the speed limit. His blood sugar was really low and he had no idea what was going on, he was just trying to get to a gas station for a diet pepsi :rofl

hahahah that made my night

that last nose over jump musta let the air bags off!

wow the lady is lucky she didn’t end up in on coming traffic.

Yeah, thankfully the “Halfpipe” like median prolly helped her to keep it down there.

holy fuck trhat was great