So im driving up the road from sunoco, taking the right turn onto fuller rd. I stopped and looked, clear. our light was green, so i went. Out of the corner of my eye i see a white car barreling down the road. Didnt think anything of it for .03 seconds, then it hit me, she had ran the red light. So i go to avoid her and she turns leftish in the middle of the intersection. Boom. Right into a jeep. then the jeep into a ford. Pushed the jeep back a good 15ft.
Only pic i have. I didnt take this, my friends GF did in my car, with my phone. At that point i was knealing down talking to the old women
I pulled over quick and the old lady after she hit the jeep is FLOORING the Caprice for a good 11 seconds. Smoke clouds everywhere. She must have been stuned or something. I rush over and bang on the window, as shes staring straight ahead and still on the gas. im yelling stop, and she finally looks at me and stops. i open the door and asked are you allright…blah blah blah. no answer. she didnt say anything,. i reached over and turned the car off after she tried to put it in drive again. The other two people came over and asked same ?'s as me, to her. Then i was trying to get her too talk. She finally started talking, said she was ok, and that she had might of overdosed on her meds and blacked out. I asked her what she took and how much because shes only maybe 5’5 and 110-115 lbs. Had to be in her 80’s. looked like death. She said ~1700mg of hydro for her bad back pain. i was like :wtf:eek2. At that point i recalled 911 and told them to grab an ambulance/poisen control people. Im STILL amazed she didnt die. cause 1700mg of hydro would knock me the fuck out and get me high, bc im twice her weight and taller. The paramedics, said she was lucky to even survived that. Anyways i talked to her until the paramedics/5cop cars/3 firetrucks.
There going to call me later tonight, to update me on her condition. i really wanna know how she makes out.
not ONE person stopped when i hit a deer, even two cars saw it happen. both drove right by. i head was bleeding and in a snowbank/ditch. thanks people of brunswick! i HATE people like that. In snow storms i usally carry a shovel, but the karma never comes back to me. :(.
For someone to witness an accident like above, and just drive by thinking everythings fine. is stupid. i hope it happens to them and no one stops.