Lady steals police SUV and now on a hi-speed chase

On fox news now…this lady stole the police suv and is cruising thru the streets…

no link sorry

watching it on cnn so i dont hear any lies

looks like she has nice tits

:tdown: To no cable

oh shit yeah gotta go watch this

shes deff gonna crash, she just fishtailed on a dry street, while going around a very slight bend, lol

she needs to unlock the weapons and just go rambo style on the public. and now missing a rear tire

where is the chase going on? im not near a TV
the page updates when you refresh it

yeap…rear tire is gone

I give her 30 more minutes.

woman are so dramatic, what a retard…i hope she t-bones somebody

hahahha. women can’t drive. im suprised she even figured out how to get it started.

im watching cnn, its been going on for 2 hours

? How has it been going on for 2 hours? Didnt she steal it al like 10:30 in Cali time?

I think he means what city


near LA

Cali is the capital of highspeed chases

:tdown: to having to pay