BMW is pwning cops in hi-speed chase on foxnews

its on right now…its crazy…

woot turned it on

edit: the cops called off the chase but the news copters are still chasing him :lol:

they terminated the chase…WTF!!!


now im watching it on the web…lol

funny shit, i’m all tuned in

its gonna be the new bmw ad campaign

“it can outrun anything”



Nice, now this will give me something to do while i’m stuck at UB

head for the airport buddy, that’s the only place to lose the choppers. :wink:


hahaha…it just proves a decent car and a decent driver will most ily get away…i wonder if they got his plate ect ect…thats all you need to do and show up at his residense…

assuming its not stolen… the choppers will follow him till he parks and im sure cameras will lead to his arrest…

the cars stolen…i don’t think that would help so much

EDIT possibly stolen as just stated onthe news.

damn this guy is booking

still chasing, some random pickup truck tried getting involved cops pulled the truck over, lol

predictions… he gets hit and chase ends that way… i dont think it will get to the point where he runs out of gas or gives up… he better not pussy out

lol is that a m5?

The car is not stolen.
The guy is wanted on assault charges.

It may be an M5, it looks pretty quick.
It looks lowered too, doesn’t it?
If it is an M5 he will run out of fuel soon.:lol:

hahah that was funny when the camera man lost him under the bridge

i want to see someone roll up and start pacing him trying to get a roll race :lol:

I think its going to end undramtically, as in him running out of gas.

Edit: I suck at predictions :lol: