R/T vs. AMG

:gay2: Stratus R/T vs Mercedes Benz G55 AMG

This afternoon I was driving down a two lane road that merges into one after a red light by these luxury dealerships. Well I was in front at this redlight in the left lane when I notice out of the corner of my eye that a suv or van pulled up about a half car length behind me. I was expecting him to either pull up some more and gas it at the green or just stay there and pull in behind me at the merge. He stayed where he was when the light turned so I got on it a little bit so he could sneak in behind me, well he didnt want that. I hear him get on it and by this time we are half way to the merge, so I floor it because Im not jacking my brakes to let him in. By the top of first he was at my fender and when I hit 2nd we were neck and neck. At about 45ish I let off because we were at the merge and I wasnt going to force him to drive on the shoulder.

Not much of a “race” by any means but I thought it was hilarious that this older guy in a Mercedes Benze G55 AMG wanted the spot so bad he was willing to race me just so he could be in front of the pack. He didnt even speed when he was in front of me, he just cruised at 45-50ish. This totally caught me off guard because I never race. :lol: