so i found this while looking around.
Somebody should phone on it and see whats up. ha ha, FWD…
How does he have an r33?
i`ve tried calling but no answer. what a suprise!
Exactly why someone should phone and go check this thing out. It can’t possibly be true, I mean for only $6800
6800 for an illegal skyline? … How what…
Why does my brain hurt so much?
I think the FWD shows how much said seller knows about anything …
mebbe he thought (f)our (w)heel (d)rive? :lol:
Yeah now that you mention it, you can see a yellow license plate in one of the pictures.
it still "blows ferraris away in reverse"lol
Where are the Ferraris? I swear i’ve only seen 1 in about 4 weeks and he a real poser that lives down the street…
Oh and its like 80’s version of something red, big and boxy… so i dont know what it is but i know its noisy and burns oil… hehe
Well for one, there are cactus type plants in the background of the driveway, in which they wouldn’t survive here, and second, I don’t know of any place in Edmonton, that has pavement like that throughout the neighborhood. Oh ya, and we don’t have front license plates. lol.