R34 300kmh+ run


one of the fastest cars back home in the phillipines. this wasnt done on a dyno nor a closed track. this was done on a regular highway. our highways there are pretty much highway 7 but add one more lane on each side. anyone that doubts this was done on the road, listen to the cars you here him passing by and do note the reflection of the sunlight. http://www.autoindustriya.com/tuned/cover.shtml <–this is the car in question:drivin

damn!! would love to see the outside view of this beast going.

you can come with me when i go on vacation back home. i know where his shop is and he usually brings it out once in a while for some street racing, although i’ve still yet to see someone brave enough to race him.

Ya, thats an old vid. But that R34 is sick though, you can see that it still wanted to keep going… Beast of an engine.:drivin

ive seen that car stock before he had all the work done before i moved here. it used to be their display car when they opened the shop. almost never took it out just stayed in the shop. now its too much of a beast to keep locked up.

nice run but a public road? some1 is gonna crash and burn
v tak kicked in at 9k rmp lol jokes

that thing is a beast. more vid’s ftw

you dont how people drive in the philippines. everyone there drives like a madman. i used to drive 160+ on a road thats “supposed” to have a 70kph limit. we even have drag races on the streets where the cops just park beside us and watch. unless there a news crew there then they pretend to do their job. lol

haha, as long as it appears that you’re doing your job, that’s all that matters

Dam! i gota go with you to the philipines…:slight_smile:

you’ll love it there. heres just an example of the shit is use to pull back home. ive been pulled over twice and didnt have a license and they just let me go. all i had to do was namedrop and they even offered police escort to whereever i was going. lol

i even remember this one time when a cop on a motorcycle parked in front of my car while a 11 second civic eg hatch and a 13 second lancer was lining up on a city street and he walks up to me and ask me “how much is the bet they put in?”

probably something like this…




" Do you think this is a bloody playground?"

>> “uaaaa, No understandd…”


lol thats funny

i remember that video. he was banned from going back to britain. lol! smokey is my idol!

TALAGAN C-R-A-Z-Y haha cool vids

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