rac92hatch is serving time..

:rofl What a fucking winner. Must have gotten bored of tagging his sister in the ass

wonder if they can add incest charges to the list while hes cuffed and stuffed by bubba?


rofl what a tool

So is he going to federal pound you in the ass prison?

wish this was about kramer instead

could you picture kreammmer in jail ,ahh he would be such a bitch

he’d probably get traded for a pack of cigarettes and a porno magazine regularly

yeah id prolly get fucked in the doodyhole a lot

for sure.

…by PJB

Hell no. And Im not going to jail.

Yeah, pending the results of the ongoing child molestation, statutory rape, kidnapping and murdering charges against you, we can be jail butt-buddiez for a very, very long time.

idk, Murrdog9000 told me you told him you would love to grab/squeeze kramer’s hiney

Ive done some stupid shit while drunk but dont recall doing any of that shit.

You don’t have to recall, the victims and their families remember it all very clearly, you sick fuck.

Atleast I didnt fuck my own sister and brag about it.

^^^ But you said that.


Kramer also told me you told him you wanted to put your tongue in, or around, Murrdog9000’s balloon knot.