Race From last night... Crazyz250 vs a "stock" srt 4

Car still sucks ass

Jon,cossey, whats the story with it being postponed indefinatly? PM me with details plz

Right, that’s what I said all along. 650-700 crank HP to trap 130.

Also, I’m trying to get some ideas for some nut swinger shirts. On the back, we could have Ray/Cossey/Ryans car pics, the words ‘Three Kings’ across the top of the back, and some sort of reference to swinging on the front. Ideas?

theres a pic of 88slowmarros nuts floatin around here you can use :rofl


And, you’d be the cream in the middle of the oreo!

I’m thinking a mural of you guys on the front, cars on the back, and a list of swingers on each sleeve.

Was Rob driving the SRT-4? If so, I think the srt-4 has only an exhaust… or he said he just ordered the exhaust, I dont know. But yea, he has no motor work done to it.

Cliff I thought Rob bought Scott’s SRT4…if it’s the same one then it has the Mopar stage2 jazzamatazz.

Didnt sound stock, and kept up w/ a Honda making 3XXwhp fairly well…

Scott who? lol. I assumed he went to the stealership and got it =p

I’m ready when ever!

Henessy. He either traded it in for the Colorado or lost it to the dealership and then bought the Colorado. I’m 95% positive it’s Scott’s old Neon. His best run was a 13.8 when he had it and I think it trapped under 100mph iirc.

looking at ur sig this would be a really good race for that car

ready to roll anytime!!! if he wants to dig i guess ill see him at LVD, but on the highway my car is a rocket!

Cash is on Big Tony for this race:bowdown Cossey would hold him off for a LONG time from a dig on the street though IMO

Eh idk, on launch control Cossey’s shit likes to wheelhop…BAD!

I love the lude man. So clean!:thumbup

There are some turbo hondas coming out that may be a good race for you but who knows if they will hook

I know I won’t be able to hold you off, especially from a roll. Your car has 100+ whp over me, and weighs less. According to my math, which of course could be flawed, you’d beat me easily. I’d race from a dig w/ street tires and no nitrous possibly though. By street tires I mean normal streets, not DR’s.