acctually yea i think so… i think she has a freshie friend 2 thats pretty cute for a redhead

roflcopter. this is the famous “im too stupid to come up with a witty comeback so ill fight you” grow up, get a life, stop ACTING tough (because we know its an act you skrawny pussy bitch) and be on your merry way down homo street skippin like a faggot with a bag full of dicks.

failvis vs 92raccivicethug fight now!!!


dude the freshies this year honeslty look like they shouldnt have gotten out of 6th grade

Adam… :facepalm

Exxxxcellent… :lmao

Oh shit, the party-wagons out front… G2G!!! :ahh:ahh:ahh


honeslty ill sparr with any or all of you idgaf, nice comeback 97singleoverheadsuck

Nice to see a much more responsible response. Minus the yard stick joke, and a few little jabs. I had better english and was didnt make you look like a douch as much! lol

I dont need to point out the obvious about the repo of the truck… as I am sure you know what it did to your/step dads credit. Better luck next time.

Figured it was without a helmet. And I also dont think anyone needs to tell your you were a retard for doing wheelies without a helmet… becasue obviously, (i hope) you learned from that. If you didnt, maybe this will help your next decission. 4 weeks ago I wrecked my KTM super moto, got ejected and struck a tree with my back/head. Air lifted, and spent 5 days in albany med. Internal bleeding, broken bones… NO CONCUSION AND A CLEAN HEAD CT. How did I not get KO’d or killed??? A helmet. I will also preach about why you spend money on a good one now for the rest of my life. I was wearing a HJC Carbon Fiber helmet, and split the shell about 4 inches from the impact… I would be dead if it were not for the very strong helmet.

Life is rough dude… but just learn from your fuck ups, and you will be good to go. also show respect to people, no matter what… even if they are fucking with you and disrespecting you… if you show them more respect than they give you, people will see that and think higher of you.

Make another thread in the for sale section and list them seriously, and dont be a douch… maybe it will turn out better that time.

LMFAO :rofl :rofl :rofl

Giggedy :lol

no, not sparring. bare knuckle brawling!!!

Nice post:thumbup

LOL i took so long to post that, I missed the CP football game. I am exactly 10 years older than your GF’s single friends… that is scary…

Now off to check the CP thread for updates. LOL

yeah, i was all "Cant we all just get along. :cry: "


thanks dude…

thats horrible… ill be in b/p in appoximitally 1.5 hrs

thanks man looks like you are the only one here who makes sense when they talk, i kno some of the shit i say is unnecessary but othr users responses are as well. and i am used to typing fast, i have good grammar and speak english properly and i am well educated, lol. thks for the tips, ill try to be a little more respectful, especially towards thosee who show me respect such as yourself. thx pC