rofl dude this is too epic and retarded to back out of.

neg rep.

neg rep.

I agree Wayne, this kid will never really be respected on here :lol

lick my nuts???

This forum is like the land of second chances. Some people on here are too quick to forgive I think sometimes. This kid went on a 20+ page of bull shitting, talking shit and lying and then in one post he comes out with an “i’m sorry” and we’re supposed to forgive him. I don’t think so.

The only positive he brought to the forum was comic relief for a lot of regulars on here and he helped the forum gain a TON of attention from other forums with his dumb ass remarks.

He appologizes and then 5 or 6 more people check in from other sites:lol

Poor kid, this isnt going to end that easily

Poor kid? He dug his own grave on this one. I feel no sympathy for people like this.

At least no one made a youtube video or T-shirt yet…

oh shit … someone make one of those videos with computer voices like they made for failvis!!! WIN!

I didnt say it cause I felt sympathetic I said it becuase he’s retarded

that movie was sick :rofl

Classic beatdown. Like the dog you chase and chase and chase, till he finally gives up cause he was backed into an ally, rolls over on his back, puts his legs in the air and begs for mercy. Something about this kid that makes me think he is definately worth keeping around. He will fit nicely somehow, in the land of misfit toys. I mean…seriously. Welcome home dude.

Dont worry BROs SRS BZNS has pictures of all his womens.

Will be hosting through my site momentarily for great justice



Ron youre a sick fuck

rac92hatch228’s supposed sexual conquests


The internets is SRS BZNS

I 100% believe that he banged those women

I concur samuel.

i actually just busted out laughing @ this.

:rofl @ srs bzns saving the pics :rofl

+rep for the assist. I have linked said photos to other threads.