Yeah, I typed that “disorder” into Google and Google basically laughed at it and said it’s something that car salesmen have :rofl

I highly doubt it.

im not sympathetic im just trying to take a step back and see if this would really be worth it do be doing to someone who is seriously fucked up in the head. a second cousin of mine is not all there in the head and has been in and out of jail a few times, hes a good guy but i know from experience that this is not to be taken lightly

again, if this is all BS then ill hop right on the bashwagon. just taking a break for now.

Darwinism…let it be :number1

that disorder is not a legal disorder at all… its something people try getting away with and it back fires in their face

ya i am, quote where he said that

I don’t know you… but can I join?

this whole thread is a disorder

If this is true then its on like donkey kong

everyone has the power to do what they need to do ,most do not and cry im fucked up when shit does hit the fan

me too. but singh said he might be onto something and i trust the indian fuck enough to chill out for a bit :lol

Ok, so then take a break.
I don’t know this kid from the retards that committed suicide on myspace, he means nothing to me. Maybe if it was someone I knew a little bit or have actually met them.

Hell yea, the humidor is stocked and so is the fridge. Cigars and Sam Adams for all.

for an example with lying disorders, that shit is some real fuckin shit,please believe me

you all know turbodiesel on this forum? the kid has it BAD he cannot control it at all…

i’ve meet one other person in my life who has a lying disorder and i can tell you its no fucking joke, they will never be able to keep friends and shit and if they cant control it, can u blame them?

fuck it tho im out before i get boycotted or something

arent u an officer of the law? im going to school for CRJ and in pysch we learned about all the legal mental disorders and chronic lying was not one of them. im sure people lie about everything in their lives but when it comes to the law it aint gonna help u in the least bit

And to think some of you will reproduce.

  • elvetybillion but in the court of law it aint gonna help

Is that a movie quote or do you really think Im a police officer?

Sorry Singh. I see what your saying and I respect it I really do. I just disagree on letting up. It probably has to do with my disorder, ihavenopassiontowardsmostotherpeopleaholism. But im working on it, just not tonight, or this week, maybe even this month…

both? lol u said it in ur introduce ur self thread

this thread owns so much