Racist VW Superbowl Ad?!

It’s just so annoying. The Jamaicans they tested it with didn’t find it offensive, but some middle-aged white shrew thinks it is.

I will say that Rastafari may find it offensive because they don’t like western ways, but that is only about 4% of Jamaican people and that has nothing to do with race.


Whoa whoa whoa, “Hate” is a strong word.

I dislike pistol grips.

I’m only offended that they followed up their great Vader commercial that still makes me laugh today with his pile of shit.


I just saw a VW ad with Jimmy Cliff singing. IS THAT RACIST TOO? WTF?

That’s all that company knows how to do is make pile of shit cars so their commercials might as well be piles of shit too

I just played the song and tried to follow along reading the lyrics. FAIL

I miss Snow. Informer…ghjknhfryhk jygvhb hbh rdtfgy tfgyyb hhhbj hgfddg hhh…a licky boom boom down.

HAHA Thank you for this.

That sounds like a pretty damn good Jamaican accent for a white guy…wait…that’s racist.

Wasn’t it Jerry Seinfeld that asked “how can it be racism if I like that race”?

It’s a commercial where a guy tells everyone to be happy, not to sweat the trival day-to-day BS, and that’s supposed to be something offensive? What the flying fuck. It’s become a full-time job to be offended, and then to be offended at people’s offense. 1944 America would slap the shit out of 2013 America. Wait, that’s generationist.

Asian guy in elevator is racist against Mondays.

“In 1996, WBLS New York disc jockey Pat McKay observed, ‘purists have a problem with a non-Jamaican doing reggae. But I choose to think of it as the greatest compliment to reggae culture, and Snow is a genuine, dedicated artist. He has a fine singing voice, he’s a great writer, and he very generously includes other artists in in all of his work. His authenticity amplifies the realities of his generation, and his sensitivity conjures up intimacy with all of his love songs.’”

Google search 2204355 for something racist. Omg!