so i just pop the hood to show a buddy, and from the top rad hose there is like a residue across my rad onto my wheel well of coolant…soo i’m like w t f i have no idea what it is and i end up pulling it all apart and the inlet for the rad has a crack in it @#^%@$&%…talked to eriksen nissan and it ends up being like $561.00 or something FAK FAK FAK
Thats for like a new rad. I’m sure there is some other way around this. One way is not to buy parts from the dealership cause they are hella expensive there.
true i was just looking on the net…but i was wondering if i could just put a metal ring inside it…cuz the crack is only halfway through, if i put the piece on the inside…it would stop leaking and increase the integrity of the tube all together…the thing is i need to find a ring like an inch long and the exactly diameter cuz it needs to fit perfectly inside… :? :?
Wouldn’t you want to put an adjustable ring around the outside of the inlet spout? Putting one on the inside would be a huge hassle I’d think (it’d have to fit pretty damn snug to work), and then you’d have to deal with the changes in size from the temperature.
- Mike
Does NECC have a parts discount set up yet?
If not then join the Edmonton Z Car Club and enjoy 10% off parts at Ericksen and Mills Nissan (formerly 20% off but Nissan Canada changed their pricing structure recently… )
OR, time for a rad UPGRADE
Where else can you buy Nissan OEM parts from in the city?
I can get OEM parts from Altron. just tell me the exact year and i will find out tomorrow. Altrom the biggest suplier of OEM parts for imports in Canada.
PS Nissan dealerships buy their parts from Altron usually so it is just cutting out a middleman
That’s like my top outlet, I just cut it past the crack and tightened up the clamp.
that’s what i have done in the mean time…but with this really hot weather, it gets soo warm that it slips down onto the crack again :evil:
it’s a 1990 nissan 300zx (z32) N/A M/T
and yes doubledown that would make more sense :?
but i’d have to get it snug as well because the coolant would stil lbe able to get through the crack
so i just pop the hood to show a buddy, and from the top rad hose there is like a residue across my rad onto my wheel well of coolant…soo i’m like w t f i have no idea what it is and i end up pulling it all apart and the inlet for the rad has a crack in it @#^%@$&%…talked to eriksen nissan and it ends up being like $561.00 or something FAK FAK FAK
Thats for like a new rad. I’m sure there is some other way around this. One way is not to buy parts from the dealership cause they are hella expensive there.
true i was just looking on the net…but i was wondering if i could just put a metal ring inside it…cuz the crack is only halfway through, if i put the piece on the inside…it would stop leaking and increase the integrity of the tube all together…the thing is i need to find a ring like an inch long and the exactly diameter cuz it needs to fit perfectly inside… :? :?
Wouldn’t you want to put an adjustable ring around the outside of the inlet spout? Putting one on the inside would be a huge hassle I’d think (it’d have to fit pretty damn snug to work), and then you’d have to deal with the changes in size from the temperature.
- Mike
Does NECC have a parts discount set up yet?
If not then join the Edmonton Z Car Club and enjoy 10% off parts at Ericksen and Mills Nissan (formerly 20% off but Nissan Canada changed their pricing structure recently… )
OR, time for a rad UPGRADE
Where else can you buy Nissan OEM parts from in the city?
I can get OEM parts from Altron. just tell me the exact year and i will find out tomorrow. Altrom the biggest suplier of OEM parts for imports in Canada.
PS Nissan dealerships buy their parts from Altron usually so it is just cutting out a middleman
That’s like my top outlet, I just cut it past the crack and tightened up the clamp.
that’s what i have done in the mean time…but with this really hot weather, it gets soo warm that it slips down onto the crack again :evil:
it’s a 1990 nissan 300zx (z32) N/A M/T
and yes doubledown that would make more sense :?
but i’d have to get it snug as well because the coolant would stil lbe able to get through the crack