Radical new tire design by Michelin

The next generation of tires…

They had a pair at the Philadelphia car show.

These tires are airless and are scheduled to be out on the market very soon.

The bad news for law enforcement is that spike strips will not work on these tires.

This is what great R&D will do, and just think of the impact on existing technology:

A. - no more air valves…
B. - no more air compressors at gas stations…
C. - no more repair kits…
D. - no more flats…

The following are actual pictures taken in the South Carolina plant of Michelin.




what happens when it gets filled with snow n ice?

well if they were released to street
i dont see why they would release them without sidewalls

Aside from that,
IM sure if there was ice and snow in there, it would come out once you move… thats actually sorta common sense.

if anything
my question is
whats gunna happen when s1dc or some other drift crew grabs these and burns them til they ‘pop’? lol

i mean they wouldnt pop, but something would happen…

curious what type of rims will be problems for these kind of tires,
I actually remember seeing videos on this new tire tech couple years ago…

those pictures alone are pretty freaky to see a car on tires like those…haha notice the size of the rims!

Wow, this is so old.

I highly doubt they would be used in a performance application for quite some time. I’m sure they are quite heavy.

Basically a next generation runflat.

if it didnt. the balance of the wheel would be gone to shit.
just putn it out there

thats true sil8t
I just thought this was a cool topic,
and the second picture of the audi with the tires in motion is pretty cool as well…

and it doesnt hurt to involve the community in some chirping on the forums…

Aw crap - and I just ordered a 55 gallon drum of “Wet and Black”

not going to happen.

the technology is too distructive.

Rubber is a chemical industry like any other. If the big boys dont have a method to adjust that will cost them nothing and ensure no break in profit patterns then this technology will never see the streets.

I didnt even realise that you cannot buy a VW TDi in California or NY state… yes that is relevant here.

speaking of “profit patterns” and “chemical industry” I’d like to if its allowd in this form to tell everybody to google and watch zeitgiest the movie and follow up with simmilar youtube vids. BING, it looks like you think about more than just cars and other distractions am i rite?

for it to see the street things need to be answered such as

knowing technical details such as the chemical composition, potential recycling methods, cost, etc.
Also note that if reduced failure of tires for reasons such as improper inflations, punctures etc means less tires being thrown away which has its benefits but would potentially mean less tires purchased. (higher prices)

thoughts to point out.

thats the second time in two days someone has mentioned to see that movie

I would rather have tires that can pop, than have those. As for the movie you should watch it makes you think about alot of stuff.

Yeah that’s pretty old. I saw that a while ago. There was a video of that audi in action.