radioshack worker? NEED XMOD OPINION POST #3

i need a hookup on some lithium batteries from radioshack. if ne1 can help me out id appericate it

My friend does, tell me what you need and ill ask him to get em tonight…

before i get somethign i should really ask for an opinion fromt he xmod people.

Should I do 2 3v/600-850mah lithium batteries or 4 Energizer AAA 850mah rechargable NiMH???


edit: FTW

Damn upon looking at prices I can’t afford either setup yet. Next week when I get 200$ paycheck I can. I think I’m going to go with the 15 min fast charger and the 4pack I-C3 1.2v/800 mah when I can afford it.


wire like 8 AAA batteries FTW

it works, weve done it

lol…im just lookin for something i can recharge fast because this thing eats batteries drifting

I have hooked up 2 9v batteries… it works for a little while :slight_smile:

just get the IC-3’s for now…they work much better than the radioshack batts

ive been reading up and i think i will do that. thx for the help guys.

haha. me and brandon tried 4. then we hooked up like 6 to an RC plane. then we took the motor out and hooked it up to an AC outlet. 110 volts>little motor. BOOM!! best part of all of it was that we were on your payroll when we did it. :lol:

hahahahha thats the best part.

You guys running them @ 9v or series upto 18v?

ud better have the “nitrous” system or stacked fets to do that.

the 4 were in series to make 36 volts :lol: From what I hear, it didn’t like the 120 volt AC.


no. that motor was not too thrilled with 120 volts. in fact, i was surprised brandon was not blown across the store.