Radoman is a tool. need proof...



of course he’s got a Coors light shirt on

I love being more intelligent than most people. It makes me feel… smart.


genious man…pure genious…we had to start somewhere…



look familiar aye???

no it dosnt.


I think he’s one of my mom’s neighbors.

What a tool.

looks like a stock 06-07 wrx…idk what it has to do with this thread though…

Keifer has one, still have no idea why that was brought up though.

Ruh Roh… You gonna post a pic of my car too? Oh noes. Nice try with the neg rep by the way.


I like the Ferrari yellow brake drums in the rear.

what is it with kids doing burnouts in their parents driveways? i never get that… If i ever attempted something like that at my Dads house i wouldnt be here typing this message today.

here is a pic of my car with license plate showing. holy shit. im shaking in my boots right now


:lol wow


there goes the fag parade

its not very far, its probably only 1/8 mile away at this point and its been what, an hour?


Almost pulling the front wheels Kramer!
