Rainbow 6 Vegas

signing on in a hot minute.

bump, kill.


ugh last night sucked until the last 2 minutes of that match. Then i was a machine… Then i went to bed.


bump, kill.




:bump: Nothing to do tonight. 9ish?


in. probably after 10




no shit. finally gave in and got an ecksbocks?


Ionesque, been playing for a few days. I’m pretty damn good at taking a bullet. :tup:

lol so is rob


Ionesque, been playing for a few days. I’m pretty damn good at taking a bullet. :tup:


been playing for a month or so… same here. :lol:

thats not the only thing rob is good at taking loller

yeah i heard that about him

fuck both of you.

lol…fuck you guys and your code talk

What just because we wanted to give her the raging bull, while fondling her frag grenades?


pics of said girl