We are looking for an EXPERIENCED installer familiar with alarms,remote starts, car stereo,and willing to learn to tint.just throwing the basics out.for more info call the shop mon-fri 9-5 and sat 9-3.877-3878.ask for paul

Silly FD Jones should do this!

i dunno if i could put up with the drive everday tho lol i remember how much i used to hate going to school cause of idiots on the 290 not knowing how to drive!

i would do it… while i have never done alarms i know i can… jsut never had to but i wont


im a quick learner and very willing to learn/work shittiest hours in the world. prob not wat ur lookin for right now

Yeah or you could think about how much you despise the CC

Yeah … i think you should do this Jay …

alot better than Circuit shitty

u guys getttin uber busy or did Josh quit

Josh quit … and shaun got shitcanned

i saw that one comming with Shaun…bastard killed my tires




JAY!!!1 DO IT!!!

then you get to hang out with derrick and jay…WHO CAN ASK FOR MORE THAN THAT!!! :wiggle:

remember when we were unemployed for a month we lived there

< teh dirty :wave:

Derrick, will you lick my grundle everyday?

If so i will move back and do this

you guys were so mean to josh and shaun can never keep a job

yea…those were the days :lol:

haha, I think I was the meanest person there. Greener pastures, you know. And to the second part, well…