Raleigh pyramid schemers love me

Maybe I just look gullible? I’m not entirely sure; but since we’re moved here I’ve been approached by at least five of these double digit IQ fools.

It’s always the same pitch too; they start with some relatable little hook like (while in Crate and Barrel) “Hey did I just see you in Pottery Barn? It looks like we’re shopping for the same things”. I say “Yup… sure does.” with a half smile, when my inner male would really like to say something like “Uhhh no. It looks like you’re following me, in which case you’re about to lose some fucking teeth.” lol.

Next is the “Hey I’m Franky, what’s your name?” as they push their snappy little shades up on top of their head. This is followed immediately by “…and what do you do?” It really doesn’t matter what you tell them either; they’re still going to hit you with “You looking to make a little extra money?” 'cause I mean, whooooo is going to say “No” right? I politely reply “Nah thanks I’m good”.

At this point they try to recover with some flattering comment about how you “look like a smart person” or “look like you carry yourself well” etc etc. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard them all at this point lol.

“We’re always looking for good people like you (blah blah blah words words words), soooo what do you say?” It’s laughable… I mean; do they reeeally expect me to say “Holy shit! Here I was just thinking how I needed extra money and then you come along and offer me a job!? It’s my lucky day!! OMG Miss Cleo was RIGHT!!!”

Riiiiiight-right; I’m always interested in hearing about “jobs” and “investment opportunities” after I’ve known someone fifteen fucking seconds. http://www.triangleareaforums.com/forum/images/smilies/stupid2.gif

Seriously; pyramid schemers just love me. haha http://www.triangleareaforums.com/forum/images/smilies/bowrofl.gif

Original thread from http://www.triangleareaforums.com/ :slight_smile:

ugh, i hate it when people try to get me to join their pyramid schemes. i’m all like ‘dude i just want to wash my car, not join your website scheme to sell sports drinks and dick inflaters’

i love when people deny it’s a pyramid scheme.

my boss sells this juice that is loaded with vitamins for 40 bucks a bottle and always trys to get me to buy a case and sell it to make money.

lols. gotta love it

My co-worker once quit because he found this completely awesome deal; It was called “hello world” video email thing, So as supportive person i went to his house to talk to him and he began his little presentation. Within minutes im basically telling him that is a pyramid scam and that his moneys goin to be wasted and he was a fool for quitting. Naturally brainwashed by this shit he got defensive, so i took the paper he was using and put 3 lines on it, pyramid hunh? Looked like a triangle to me. Needless to say he wound up losing a few grand and then had to go find a real job. Nobody just hands you money for nothing in life i dont know why people dont get this concept

i feel bad for people who do shit like i mean life must be pretty shitty to start going down this road

Yeah I never really got how this many people fall for this crap. And then are all like “OH NOOOOOOOOO, THIS IS TEH DIFFERENT!” when you try to explain it to them. And then explain it to you as a pyramid scheme to prove their point.

I aways tell these people, “Damn it man, I’m on the top of this friggen triangle!” Then I throw what ever drink I’m currently drinking in their face. :slight_smile: jk but I would like to! lol

Seeing as these people usually aren’t too bright, some reverse physchology could have some excellent results. Basically when they try their pitch, pretend like you have a better scheme and convince them to join instead.

<~~ Schema, not schemers :slight_smile:

One would use schema to determine this is a pyramid scheme as soon as the person’s marketing schematic unfolds.

My old realtor called me 6 months after the sale with “great news.” It turned out to be “a great opportunity, and since she’s so dedicated to her clients, blah blah blah”

…keeping in mind I already didn’t like her because she was a useless piece of work when I was buying my home…

I cut her off by saying “I’m sorry. When someone can talk at me for 5 minutes about an opportunity, without actually telling me what the product or service “is” I’m not interested.”

The next morning I tattled on her to her boss. :slight_smile: You could hear her boss over the phone thinking “oh shit oh shit oh shit” since IIRC they could actually have their office shut down/investigated for her using my personal info (contact info) for her scheme.