Random pop-up/redirect on mobile

This started happening yesterday, when I would hop on here via my phone I would get a random pop up saying I was a Google Winner and it would redirect me to some random ass page.

A few times I’ve gotten a popup that says my phone is infected and I need to visit this site to fix it.

nyspeed still has the herp.

yep, owned again

Yep get it as well

Happens regularly to me. I think it comes from downloading an infected application. I frequently get them on legit sites like NHL.com and whatnot. Never found a way to solve it and the internet doesnt seem to know a solution.

Same. Was happening on my iPad and iPhone last night.

Not sure what makes a site legit, they probably hire lazy shit bags just like any other IT department. Equifax is legit too, right?

I don’t think this is on us guys.

I’ve checked on all major browsers with multiple devices and nothing. Site scan is clean, etc.

Maybe cut down on the pron? :slight_smile:

It doesn’t always do it. It was consistent last night, though.

Just checked on my iPad and it did it again.

Oh jesus. You know what I mean. Sites that employ web staff 24/7 with mIllions of daily views are different than nyspeed.

Does anyone have issues with the site just not loading when replying to threads? It happens mostly on PC. Sometimes I can get on with the iPad while the site still won’t load in Windows.

Always does this on my tablet and sometimes on my phones

lol. Volunteers usually care more than paid employees.

I only get the issue on mobile, and it’s if I’m on the site for a few minutes, not right away. Next time it happens I’ll grab a screen shot.

Son of a bitch, I literally just browsed this thread and got the message from google on my phone. Came back a little later and no issues.

My phone is 100% not compromised. Could be an ad.

Yup same here, happening on my 7+ and air 2. Only difference is my 7+ is running beta iOS 11.2 software. Happens every time I come here.

Brand new phone here doing it. Guess it is the site.

or maybe you did actually win a gift card?

Well there’s only one way to find out…

Any fix on this?