Random question about wheel widening...

I want my rear wheels widened. I don’t want to send them to Weldcraft and spend upwards of $500 to have the job done. I haven’t found any other shops that do this type of job…

I have all the tools and resources to have my wheels cut in half and welded back together…I just need to source the spacer ring. Trying to figure out what avenues to go down to do this. I’ve emailed WeldCraft to see if they sell these, and am waiting for their reply. Was wondering if anyone knows if these can be purchased anywhere? I suppose a machine shop could cut it out of a block of aluminum…but that seems like a lot of wasted material???


It’s probably just rolled sheet or flat stock.

A good place with a CNC roller could do that in a heartbeat.

Laser/waterjet/plasma cut some 6061 or 7075 (better) then roll it.

We have one here, IDK how to use it though.

I would just make extra sure that whoever welds those up is at the top of their game.

Well if it indeed is rolled that definitely wouldn’t be hard to do. We have those machines you listed here as well…and the shop guys are always more than willing to help. For some reason I thought this would be more of a cut one-piece ring rather than a rolled piece of flat…but I don’t know too much about this topic:P

And word about the top of their game welder…that’s a given!

EDIT: just heard back from Weldcraft…no dice on selling those spacer rings:( And $200 a wheel+shipping there and back

No way is that billet. Could be spin-cast but I doubt it. Ask violator.

clinton welding could do the wlding but i dont know about the ring

Setting up the purge on that would suck imo.
Cause you don’t wanna scratch the wheels…
well actually, i guess pressing it with a rubber gasket might work.

Or just find a welder who will do it without purging so they split in two on you :]

But ya, Some flat stock, preferrably matching the rim… Then uhhhhmmm roll it out, tack seam, purge, weld half, grind nonpurged tacks, tack to wheel, purge, weld some, grind non purged tacks, finish welding.
Done like dinnnaaaaa.
and make sure you know what material the rim was made out of so the welder can use the appropriate filler, otherwise you’re fucked eventually no matter how good he is :mamoru:

Newman and his fancy equipment, ugh ;p
anything that can cut it square to all the other sides will work :stuck_out_tongue:

500 is not at all an unreasonable price for that amount of work, even if the weld just had to be leak free and strength didn’t really matter.

teh spacer ring isnt a problem even on a NON cnc roll, as long as you have an experienced roll operator. aluminium is easy enough to push around with some clamps as you work the spacer into place