Rant about the NYS DOT: Someone needs to get spoken too at the top!

See my bit about the tandem trailers above.

And yes, it was pushing me slightly. I’ve been through worse. Much worse.

I’ve driven damn near half a million miles in the last 5 years. In everything from tiny cars up to 26’ box trucks. I’ve dealt with dot over some dumbass infractions, but even though they are douchebags, they didn’t just close a major highway to ruin your picture taking

This isn’t about ME. I’m just the one that made this thread. I was doing fine on either the highway or the snow covered secondary road. This is about hundreds of people who had to battle treacherous conditions because the DOT was worried about a couple trucks toppling over. If they were worried just about trucks, keep them off the damn road like they did the tandem ones. Why ban every car as well, when in reality, 99.8% of them would most likely have been fine but many of them ended up in snow banks due to, AGAIN, the lack of visibility on said secondary road.

I was most definitely inconvenienced by it, as I’m sure were hundreds of other people who had plans to be somewhere and couldn’t because of the DOT making a decision that should have been made, but ONLY in regards to truckers (ie, keep them off the highway until further notice).

I’d be interested to see how many calls came into local services for towing, police, and EMT services up on that road.

Anyhow, we are obviously beating a dead horse. I think DOT made the wrong call from the couple choices they had. They should have closed down highway access semi’s and not all vehicles. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it.

Ya’ll enjoy your sunday afternoon.

There are so many more terrifying things that NYS is doing with your money to be concerned about.

The reason you’ve dealt with much worse is because you didn’t have to drive through the unsafe conditions due to the CLOSURE.

Hey ILYA, I got stuck in that shit too. Just as a little tip for next time. - I got off 29 (had to) and took some BS route 80 to route 20. By far the worst / most unsafe roads i’ve ever been on. You know what I did? HINT - I didn’t bitch out and turn around. I told my motherfucking passengers to hang the fuck on, and fucking KEPT GOING. Put your fucking man pants on if you want to drive in the snow. At one point we were coming around a blind right hand corner with a NASTY wind drift and as soon as i could see theres a dude running and flailing a shovel thinking we were gonna hit em. He went around the same shit and put his car in the ditch. He was trying to dig it out when ken block drove by in his new tdi and scared the piss out of him.

Oh and to all the tdi bandwagon hater faggots. I got 47.3 mpgs that tank.

Don’t get me going on the DOT, they can suck it. My father goes through more bullshit to keep his trucks on the road than you can even imagine, they are such ball busting faggots.

As far as a tractor trailer driving in that, if they are tipping over they are retarded. Do you have any idea how much force it takes to tip a loaded trailer over? My pops would be riding wheelies through that snow drift making it his bitch.

yo have your dad give me that astro and quit fucking around.

How much? Because I did root cause analysis on several roll overs and you’d be surprised how little it takes to put a trailer on its side.

lolol pwned

like elliot said, how do you know they closed the road for snow? Maybe it was an accident?

AND…like your gripe about people who can’t drive in the northeast, you sir apparently are one of them

Actually there was a jack-knifed semi, thats WHY they closed the road. They normally don’t dispatch 5 tow trucks for a snow drift.

It still takes quite a bit of force. Many factors have to be taken into consideration as it really depends on the trailer type, how high the load is stacked, loaded weight, etc. BUT I will tell you it takes much more than a pussy wind storm to take trucks out. My father has been doing this shit for almost 40 years and he’s never had a roll over except for a guy who had a catastrophic loss of brakes and did an intentional roll over to save a line of cars from being folded.

I’d love to hear your data, honestly. I like data.


Doesn’t your Dad mostly haul in dump trucks though?

In the 5 years I was with USF, I guarantee we sent more tractor trailers in those 5 years than your pops has in his life time.

I’m not disagreeing on a simple wind storm… I’m still waiting for how much force you think it takes… I’ve been a part of investigations where trucks went on there side at less than 5MPH, with a partial load, secured. And I can tell you, not much force was needed for a side to lift, shift weight and turn over.

I remember in high school Dietzel used to fart and the trailer outside of the engines classroom would blow over.

God damnit, Christopher, I was asking YOU for real data. I am simply saying that a pussy windstorm is a lot of force, and it takes more than that to tip over trucks.

Yes, he primarily hauls sand/stone/dirt/salt. He also transports box trailers and flat beds.

What wasn’t real about my data? I’m telling you what I know from first hand experience with investigating tractor trailer roll overs.

You calling me a liar?

I am asking you to give me numbers, brah! I like to hear info so I can store it in the brain.


Wayne, I ‘bitched out’ because 1) I was already coming down with the flu (which is why I took all audio off the video or you would have heard me coughing up a lung and why I’m home right now instead of at the office :lol) and 2) because we were going to be very late to the party and there was no sense in proceeding only to arrive 2hrs late (or more). The flu is killing me right now…the slightest quick movement of the head sends me into dizzy spells, etc. F’in blows.

Also, the guys I was with completely ruined my mood by spilling an ENTIRE bottle of Starbucks Espresso (or something like that) all over the center console of my car. Everything right now is sticky.

Speaking of which…anyone know a good detailer who will take the seats out and steam clean the carpets, etc.?
