Rant about the NYS DOT: Someone needs to get spoken too at the top!

Yo Bakerian is the best detailer ever. He will hook your shit up proper.

And those are bitch excuses. I turned around because i broke a nail :cry :cry :cry :rofl :rofl :rofl


Too bad Ryan is holding a grudge against me :lol. Anyone else?

I went to Syracuse… saw 10 cars off the road in a 5 mile stretch… then there was a huge accident as well…people turned around on the thruway after it was shut down, and were sent to the toll booth via “on” ramp. Took me 4.5 hours to get to 'cuse. The snow was putting 4-8 inches in some lanes where the plains allowed for the wind to do so. I , and others, fought to keep a vehicle on the road. I was fine, some others not. When the vehicle hit the ice/snow and wind blew, nearly ever piece of shit 3,000 lb import ended up in a guardrail. Just sayin. Mile marker 200-240 was a mess.

Ryan, if your there, I have 2 vehicles that I need detailed.

I detail. I do good job. Me love clearcoat long time.

Here’s wayne and ilya on a road trip:


:rofl :rofl

It’s a liability thing maybe? It’s easier for em to close it down vs dealing with any kind of law suits ppl can muster up against them.

Was that the excursion to go get BigRed??? (not dave) ROFL.

But for real the highway shit… if the side roads are drifting and you feel unsafe driving 20mph… how do you think people will fair doign 80 then all of a sudden hit a tiny patch of snow out of nowhere?

Annnnd thanks to that sodium or what ever the fuck it is special road salt they are using now, its causing the roads to be VERY slick. Take the onramp eastbound at schenectady, every day I saw skids, grass, dirt, bent over marker signs… from people spinning out. not they grooved the turn because it was so bad.

I usually jump on the hate nys bandwaggen, but I bet they shut it down for, in their head maybe, good reason. ohh well.

Lol so wait u bitch about people who can’t drive in the snow and then in the end u turn around because of the bad weather ooohhhhhhhhhh

I spent too much batt life on this thread


I didn’t turn around cause of the weather :lol. Reading > you guys. This car with the tires it has handles better than the vast majority of cars on this forum in the snow. The ATESSA system is a wonderful thing.

I already explained to Wayne why I turned around. Had nothing to do with the weather. It had everything to do with me already being late (and thus no sense in wasting my time driving to Rochester only to arrive for the tail end of the party and then possibly risking another 6hr trek home due to - as I still believe - DOT’s stupidity), me having a ridiculous headache thanks to the flu which I am just finally starting to beat, and my desire to continue on completely trashed thanks to my buddies spilling an entire coffee on the console of my car including all over my HD camera and my phone (which luckily weren’t damaged or I would have been much more pissed). The coffee bit pissed me off to the point where I just said f it, we’re going home.

Still gotta find a detailer in the next week or so that can steam my carpets after removing my front seats, etc. so I can get this crap cleaned up.

idk bro sounds like a big thread of tears

Think what you want…you really think I give a crap if people agree with me or not? If I did, I would have ran from this forum 2 years ago when people were bashing me for my religious opinion :lol. I probably get the most crap on this forum (second to maybe Travis) :lol. Might bother me a little bit at first but at the end of the day…I really don’t give a crap. Knock yourselves out guys.

I was pretty pissed when I got home. Sorry, I guess the Religious Ukrainian guy isn’t allowed to vent whether he is wrong or right :rofl.

ahahaha nah vent all you want ! everyone else is just doing the same by stating whats on their mind

i came in here expecting to see some major shit, instead i saw some funnies and facepalm worthy stories

Anyway…anyone use Auto Indulgence for detailing?

They seem pretty good.

~$200 for a complete inside and out detail including bringing me to wherever I need to go after I drop my car off.

clean it urself, its really not that hard, bro.

Well I want the paint done too (nice polish and seal - all I do at home is wax and clay), but I was gonna do that in the summer. I’m not in a hurry, but figured since they will have the car anyway, might as well do both (plus, they will do a far better job on the carpet than I ever could at home). They use a specially formulated wax designed in Utica for the Northeast and with winter winding down (and thus the salt) I think I’ll go to em in a week or two and that should take care of my annual ‘spring detail’ that I do prior to summer completely rolling in. From then on I can just maintain what they’ve done with good washings and further waxes and be good for the warm season.

come to my house in spring, bring all your stuff. we’ll have two black cars to detail. :slight_smile: