*RANT* HR people



fucking son of a fucking bitch…

I left my last company, but I needed COBRA for January… Asked about it and what I needed to do etc before I left… “You’ll get a bill in the mail”; sounded strange, so I asked again, same responce… ookkk…

Wait till early January, no bill…
call her… “oh, let me send you the new paperwork” (no instructions or anything, just an envelope full of paperwork… ok… what am I supossed to do with this?

Oh, fill the form out, and mail it to who? with or without a check?

get all that finally straightened out, send it off to her…

All this was done last week!! I left my job on Dec 5th!!!

And now, yesterday my wife goes to the Dr, and they think her Gall-Bladder is infected and needs to be removed… oh, but our COBRA isn’t active yet… and 2 hours of making phone calls yields NOTHING except we need the forms…

Finally get a hold of the ex HR lady… and SHE HANGS UP ON ME AND THE HEALTH-ADVOCATE!!! what a fucking bitch…

I just prey she does what she said she would and fax the forms over…

It’s going to be a long enough day as it is, with Melissa probably going in for surgery today/tonight…


fucking god damn HR people…

[/rant off]

good luck to you and your wife for her surgery! hr people are assholes for sure. they are the laziest people and think they are the highest up on the list working in the building. at least hear that is.

Gotta agree here…yeah they definitly dont do their job! HR people suck big time!!!

They think they are to good for the company…fuck em all lol

I am showing this to Lisa G. as I type this.

fuck you! lol you know its true to about her!

edit: im sick of being talked down to by her. half the time she talks she has that tone of voice where she hates her life and doesnt care to help you out.

hmm well she is nothing but helpful to me, she must not like you.

im sure that is the case. lol and im sure my brother probably helped to contribute to it! haha

So NYSpeed is not alone. :wink:

If I were you I’d be documenting everything right now. Detailed notes of what happened and when while you can still remember the details, copies of all forms, etc. If your insurance won’t pay for a surgery your wife needs because HR fucked up the paperwork I’d be thinking lawsuit.

Good luck.

Fuck HR. My one co worker has had to get a pay advancement for the last 3 checks because the HR person keeps firing him out of the computer.

Already done… started doing it yesterday when we found out Melissa was sick…

And BCBS/Healthnow both said basically that. Also me making all the phone calls was also documented in case I do need to do the post-surgery claim procedure; they said there should be no issues with it due to me calling everyone and that being documented in BCBS/Healthnow’s computers. But I’ve got names/dates/conversation details all recorded anyways.

As long as BCBS gets the fax… the COBRA will be active within 60 minutes; retroactive to the 1st… it’s just getting the HR lady to fax it over that seems to be the hard part.

Hell, when the Health Advocate from Health Now even mentions lawsuit you KNOW there’s an issue…

Sounds like you’ve got all your bases covered. Sucks that you’ve got to go through all that just because of incompetence.

oh, and did I mention that by law they have 14 days to send you the COBRA paperwork… took over 30, as well as multiple phone calls to get the paperwork…

i went through it trying to get on my finance’s health ins as a “domestic partner”… we’re both on the mortgage, joint accounts, been on the past two apt leases together… to make it harder (read: impossible) she wants copies of bank statements for the past 6 months to prove activity from that account IE: specific transactions, personal information, IE: fucking invasion of privacy by this incompetent 300lb slob who just didn’t want to file the paperwork. i refused to give her print outs of bank statements, hands down, not going to do it. school district superintendent had to get involved to get this fat cow off of solitaire.

solitaire is addicting though, you have to admit : P

Welp… after 2 more phone calls to BCBS… Still no paperwork on the fax number I told her to fax it to…

Instead… they found it on the Plan Administrators fax machine (she’s on vacation this week); WITHOUT the info I told her to put on it (Attn: xyz, & RUSH)… so it was just sitting there for the past hour + without anyone even looking at it…

I am SO glad I’m done with her…


Sorry to hear about her giving you a hard time. I think she gets off by being a bitch and making things harder for everyone. Then when there is a VP around her nose goes right up their ass. I honestly don’t know why she has a job here. She is a glorified secretary and actually has no formal training in human resources.

I would say about 90% of HR dept’s suck ass. The worst is when you have to interview with them. They ask the fucking dumbest questions ever, shit that totally doesn’t pertain the job. Sometimes, if you are really lucky, they will give you one of those bullshit “personality” tests’. Super ghey. But, back on topic, when you need them to actually do thier job, it’s like pulling teeth. Total bullshit.

Edit: 98% of HR dept’s suck ass

More of the same here. Our HR dept is too busy doing blood drives, books are fun, holiday bulletin board contests etc etc. to do any real work or be super helpful when you really need it.

Good luck with all this bs.


Wrong HR department… the one from the job when I left there… I’m on Job #3 from 2008, remember?