At first I just kinda ignored it but now its bugging the hell out of me. RX3 keeps moving all the videos to Kill Videos. Now the Kill Videos section has the subtitle of:
Got a video to go with that story of yours? Post it up here.
Maybe NYSpeed needs another video section. A random video section or something, but I personally don’t like how videos are ending up in a section called “KILL VIDEOS” when there is no kill in most of them.
Comments and thoughts please.
He’s been putting any videos that have any street racing on them in that forum. It makes sense in a way seeing as that’s the only place we have currently for them.
But I’ve got to agree to a point - the whole idea of making the Kill Videos section was for videos that go along with kills - not a “trash can” for any video thread that gets posted. There are some vids in there that should have stayed in Gen Auto IMO.
We don’t need another video section - we just need to keep kill vids in the Kill Vids forum, and everything else in Gen Auto. That or just combine the racing vids and kill vids forums into one forum - a Vids forum - and then throw everything in there.
Lets not make more forums to confuse people.
i posted a vid in general of a dyno and it got moved to kill stories so i have to agree