raod test tomarro

still :rofl:ing here

if you can’t buckle down your driving for 15 minutes to pass a simple road test, you should re-think your ability to function in society.

lol my friend was 23 almost 24 and just taking his first road test and he failed the 1st time. but passed the 2nd. hah

do these people not have jobs? The metro system in this area is pretty shitty, I couldn’t imagine dealing with it to get to work

yea it deff sucked and took awhile


Passing a road test on one try = God’s gift???!


Good luck next time.

yea so deff pretty harsh :tdown:

yea i was really nervous too but the second time i should be fine ya know try that whole learn form your mistakes thing

i took it in lovejoy :gotme:

It doesn’t matter where he took it the driving instructors rotate locations anyways.

True, I don’t see how people could get by without their liscense, you need it for everything.

You should have given her a NYSPEED flyer…then at least she would have thought that you were serious about driving and were trying to research all you could.

Got mine at 16 believe it or not. Oh well try again. Thats all you can do. Do you have to wait another month?

For all you grammer assholes, how did I do?

You spelled “grammar” wrong…A-hole :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m glad somebody caught onto that. Spelled asshole wrong there bj-sucker :wink: See ya saturday, lol


Um, if you pull out in front of someone, YOU cut THEM off. Not the other way around.

If you pull out in front of someone and they are forced to slow down, they aren’t the asshole.

If you pull out in front of someone and they are forced to slow down, they aren’t the asshole.[/QUOTE]


i hope finally the dmv has made the driving test a bit more difficult.

When i took my test years ago. it was funny how easy it was.

Anyone with better hand eye coordination better than an infant could pass it.

easy way to pass your road test.

  1. Be confident

  2. check your blindspots.

3 check you mirrors.

4 dont kill anyone.

  1. win.

hah yea maybe lol i went this morning and passed so yea i got my license and its all good :cool:
