RB Help :(

ok so hers the situation I have an rb26dett powerd silvia recntly my idle has been acting up when the motors cold the idle would bounce around from around 900-1300 or so. The car would also randomly stall on me while im off the gas comeing to a stop or truning. When the car is doing this odd idle it runs CRAZY ritch and puffs nasty black smoke out the back of the car. About two days ago I hade a flat tire. I went to move the car into my garage it fired up fine but when I started to back out it stalled I figured this was one of the normal stalls so I tryed to restart but couldint I figured my battery was weak as this is a common problem aswell. so I changed the tires on my driveway where it died. once I was done I hooked the car up to another and tried to start. but nothing happend the car was turning over but the motor isint fireing. I have plenty of voltage to fire the car so power isint the problem. any sugestions on what could be my problem I have a feeling these two problems are linked some how any help would be nice thanks.

For the first one i would check for a boost leak.

Dunno about the second unless your starter is fried or you blue a fuse.

I had a similar problem with my last car and it turned out to be a vacuum leak. Check to see if there is any cracked or damaged vacuum lines.Try checking out your idle air control make sure its not all gummed up. Also make sure you check out most the major components in yur fuel system, sumting could be clogged. As for the no starting im leaning again towards the fuel delivery system in your car.A problem in that system could lead to the symptoms yur describing. Have you tried checkin your sparks plugs to make sure they are getting a spark?Maybe coil packs?Also try replacing the fuel filter and go gets yurself some injector cleaner. And if possible take it to the nissan dealership and have them check the ecu for faults.That’ll tell ya for sure wuts causing it to act up.Just my Anywayzz good look with yur new car. hope to see ya rippin around soon.

vacuum leak, boost leak check too see if u flooded it, try starting it with the fuel feed line blocked off, do a routine check of whole motor see if anything came loose, etc…

i will help u if problem persists

checked fuses alls fine there i’m in the procees of checking for loose anything grounds lines etc etc i’ve also been looknig over all the pipeing checking for cracks I got to figure this out its driveing me mad with such nice wheater right now and I’m driveing the Pathfinder grrr