My van together with Season’s (Lucidsnow)

Me ontop of the Moutain

Me and Season posing

That is serious baller’ status

I know where you live :wink:

ill find where you live!!! lol

tires are all gone!!!

bye bye re-01rs :frowning:

drifted them off already?

44 tires… cleared in a day. dam.


where did all this hair come from!!!

Wonder what the neighbours were thinking while you were stacking your mountain :rofl:

great pic… cross posting.

My dad said to leave it like that until after 5pm so everyone in my neighbourhood knows I sell tires.

Free advertisement FTW!

Samson, I need 2.5 times that amount of tires. Wanna hook me up?

When i saw the thread title, I said “a WTF mountain?”
opened and saw the stack and said “BAMF!”

lol the 4 tires on top arent re01r !!

hahahaah they are sumitomos.

I needed them to complete the top.

44 tires in total, 40 tires all RE-01R =P

omfg you baller hahaha

this my pic of a 24 stack i took when i did a group buy for the subaru guys last summer :smiley: