Re-financing question

I’ve eben there, & done that. It just is, for more reasons that I can fit into one post.

same here, I was 21/22 she was 19/20, its was dumb

Because it takes a failboat load of maturity to successfully live with a girl. Don’t force yourself to be that mature yet.

Oh, wait. I was done with this thread.

/waits for more discussion about the girlfriend.
Since I was considering it this summer

Not moving in with him, anyway…
But, with my GF…

he nailed it.

I live with my girlfriend and I love it, but I KNOW FOR A FACT that if I was in this living situation when I was 19, I would hate my life.

Get an apartment with a friend, and party like rockstars, thats what being your age is all about man.

one last question.

now if i turn my car in for a cheaper car, can they roll over the 2k that i owe on another loan?

Yes, but banks HATE negative equity… so good luck.

thank you, i might have found another car :slight_smile:


it’s a honda…so it matches my name better lol

how much for B & M? and maybe the sport lines?

lol sorry i just had to ask…just so happens im in the market for a short shifter.

Yep, you can do that. The dealership will just figure a bottom line:

Focus +$6000
Trade -$16000
Old Loan Payoff +$18000

New Loan +$8000

I hope the lude works out for ya :slight_smile:

Well after talking things over with my father. We’ve decided that i’m going to keep the car. He helped me with a budget and i can afford it no problem now. We’re still going to go to the dealer and see if we can get a lower monthly payment, but until then it’s okay. Also I’m not moving out for a while. At least until late August, early september.

I’d like to thank everyone for there insight and help. I really appreciate it. I’d also like to ask Fry or any of the mods…if i make a WTB: Honda thread, please give me an infraction or something lol :slight_smile:

At least until i’m ready to get a project…but now really isn’t the time. Thanks again!


You should buy an EVO

Good luck man. Next time you’re know to put enough down that you’ll always owe less than the car is worth so if you decide you need to get rid of it you can easily.

lol…i wanna be just like cky89 :stuck_out_tongue:

he’s retarded lol

thanks :slight_smile:

yeah i’ve definitley learned my lesson. next time when i buy a car i’m not going to jump into something that i have to worry so much about.



You can still buy an expensive car if you can afford it at the time, but being able to afford it at the time should include putting enough down to be ahead of the depreciation curve. My GTO was pretty expensive since I bought it with 1640 miles, but I put enough down that if at any point while paying off the loan something happened and it was no longer in my budget I could easily sell it cheap and still pay off the loan.

If I couldn’t have put that much down I wouldn’t have considered myself able to afford it. Unfortunately a lot of people don’t think that way. They say that right now, today, they can handle a $400+ a month car payment and that means they can afford it. They don’t think about where they’ll be in 3 or 4 years when they’re still stuck making that $400+ a month payment, or what happens if they have a life changing event like an accident, layoff, kid etc.

that’s true. i only put down 1k for my down payment but i needed a car asap. i was stupid and wouldnt settle for anything cheaper. but you live and learn

i didnt call. i just emailed :slight_smile: