real bad accident in springville

so i was on my way home from work when i came up to rt 240 and rt 39 intersection, they have emergency vehicles there directing traffic either left or right, so i got out and told them where i lived, they let me go down that way…

as i came around the last turn b4 my house, i see a tractor trailer all sorts of destroyed in the front end, and a couple hundred feet on the oposite side of the road is a chevy venture minivan with what looks to be no more front end.

what i gathered from the fire fighter was that the minivan and semi went head on, the guy in the minivan is dead, and the tractor trailer guy seems ok…

this happend no less than 25-30 min ago. i am trying to figure out how this happend cause that section of rd(where it happend) is straight, and the tractor trailer is on the shoulder, theres pretty much no way it was moved after the fact seeing as to how the front tire is underneath his door, and the front suspension is laying in the road, not to mention the truck was on fire too… im going to try and find out exactly what happend, and ill post up a little later

ps, this section of road seems to be a hot spot for accidents, the year my family moved here a tractor trailer jack knifed and flipped over and the driver died, theres a cross a little down the road from another time someone died, and awdrifter was tellin me about how he got into a real bad accident basically in front of my house, and now this… no more whipping around the turns by my house for me…

whats with all these head on collisions lately
Thats fucking crazy.

Drive safe kiddoss.

RIP, guy in minivAN


car accident deaths are always pretty sad. so many shoulda woulda coulda’s.

Yeah, I took a nice Mercy Flight out there a few years ago.(Don’t remember it though)
I got hit head-on and almost died.
People need to learn to keep right of yellow lines.