He is telling you that for a very good reason. Squats and Deadlifts (more deads) are very touchy lifts that can fuck up all kinds of muscles if done wrong. I tend to stick to a leg press/calf raise regiment along with running for leg strength.
Keep it up! What kinds of stuff have you been doing for cardio??
I am not trying to lose weight FTR, I am trying to maintain/gain (a little) weight while training for the Half-Marathon. I can’t even start to describe how beneficial cardio is for ANY workout routine.
Haha, yea I know you can hurt yourself, but thats why i take alot of time warming up before i go heavy with my deadlifts and do them properly, I deadlifted 225lbsX8reps last week no belt or wrist straps. My back looks better every week after doing deadlifts! Out of all the excercises i do, deadlifts seem to change me the most and week by week i do more and more weight! At my gym there is only like 4 people including myself that do them. Yet there are always these Giant Mammoth dudes doing 300lbs+ Flat benching lol…never do i see them squat or deadlift.
deadlifts work a bunch of different muscle groups. you are getting lower back, some legs, core, even touching the shoulders. make sure you are wearing flat shoes when you lift, you want to lift with your heels. keep your back straight and your chin up.
highest i hit was 365 during my strength building phase. now I keep it light at 225 because I’m not doing them as often.
Yeah I do like them because i get results, my back looks better then the rest of me lol I feel like soon im gonna look like a T-rex big body lil arms lol
ok. the point of cardio being a wasted effort while building muscle is because you will see much better gains by lifting and dieting, and very similar gains (or losses, depending on how you want to view the situation) with lifting, dieting and cardio
When you are burning calories via cardio, they also bring into account your calories that you would be burning by sitting there doing nothing, and just using energy in that time period
So great, you just burned 200 calories on your 30 minutes on the treadmill, and i can burn 75 by moving shit around in my garage and cleaning. +/- 125 calories is really not going to make a difference
Maybe you enjoy, running, or jogging or whatever. that’s fine
Like i said, i run out of enjoyment, leaving the house, and to build stamina, not for losing weight, or burning calories , or whatever other reasons.
diet is the most important thing in anything you do revolving around weight loss
alcohol slows down fat loss by more than 70% , so if you’re trying to do all this shit, and still drinking fair amount, you’re wasting your time
Ill make another post, because you people don’t like to read long shit on here
a 160lb man would need to run 29 miles to burn a single pound of fat. A SINGLE POUND.
It’s A LOT easier to just NOT eat the foods that give you extra calories, than to spend your time running fat off.
You just burned 400 calories doing your cardio today, great! then if you go home and have a banana, or another type of fruit, whatever. You basically just negated almost half of all the calories you burned off.
The point is to not eat the bannana, and focus on other types of exercises
or maybe you are doing the cardio because you refuse to change your eating habbits, so you are trying to offset your problem