Real RC Drifting

ok this is nitro gas powered rc cars same one i had they are soo pimp ill be buying a new one next year for all to play wiht hehe… check it out

at first it looked like it was in fast forward…
cant wait to try out your RC toy. even tho the track we would be using wouldnt be set up like that it would still be cool to drive it in an empty parking lot with some pylons.

oh ya… thx i was listening to music with my winamp but then the vid open up and erased all my songs in the playlist… oh well was still a cool vid to watch

lol also had one of these hehe i had like 5 rc cars 2 svage huge trucks and 2 stage d and 1 reg rc car trexx whent over 60kmph

Zep i challenge you… when i get a drift Rc ill race your gas car in a drift battle :smiley:

lol your on dude… ur gonna lose!!!

ahaha that was sick hehe

hehehehe dont worry ill have somethign up my sleeve *cuts zepz rc’s gas line" :smiley:

Where sells these things locally? Any links to sites?

bare with me guys kinda busy so i havent had time to find the sites for you guys but i promise i will. i just keep forgetting :frowning:

there is a place on danforth i think, i use to go there when i was R/C it on my street till i hit a cat and my r/c car went poof. :frowning: