They innovate ways to charge a lot more than everyone else and get iFags to pay for it.
i thought it was strange that they were packaged inside of a wooden soap box. until i stopped and realized that the customers used them to stand on. i don’t hate apple, i wanted an iphone so bad i could taste it when they came out, i even own an ipod. 4th generation black and white 20gig that has 5+ hours of battery life on average.
maybe i’ll start one with some Symbian info b/c the E71x’s are dirt cheap now.
i really hate climbing up on an apple pedestal, but you really didn’t think this out any better?
you make an appointment so you aren’t in line forever.
you see a “genius”/technician because you think this part should be super glued.
you’re under warranty so you don’t pay them anything.
although i have had and will continue to have issues with all of the electronic equipment i own, i’ve had plenty with apple products. that being said, the galleria apple store has been an absolute pleasure to deal with every time i go there. i’ve never had the “geniuses” charge me a dime regardless of being in or out of warranty. they will always talk to you and advise you of what you should be doing to fix it. if it costs anything, they’ll give you a heads up. if you’re not willing to pay it, they’ll give you an idea of where to go and what to do to have it done cheaper.
iPhone problems were always addressed and never charged a dime for. the iBook problems were either fixed on the spot in and out of warranty. the major issues they had to charge me for i wasn’t willing to pay their rate as i’m not completely retarded when it comes to computers. they told me about good sites to go to with walkthroughs on how to fix my problem, followed by reliable places to buy parts at good prices.
when you call a business, typically the person answering phones isn’t going to be the person who will fix your problem also. you had a technical issue, therefore you were being referred to tech support.
what did you expect to happen? “why sure sir, we have your broken switch in stock. we keep it right next to the crazy glue we recommend you use to fix our products that are defective. don’t worry, you not knowing your ass from a hole in the ground and gluing random shit to your phone won’t void your warranty at all. would you like me to place all of that on hold for you?”
I got mine used (1 generation behind) for a bargain basement price. I wouldn’t pay for a new iphone myself. But I’m a frugal bastard.
Their plans aren’t very far off from the industry standard for unlimited data and rollover minutes is pretty sweet. Still being frugal I jailbreak/unlock mine and run a cheaper T-Mobile plan.
To say they don’t innovate is just silly. They have innovated forever. For example they were the 1st company to have the balls to put firewire on their motherboards which turned out to be a mainstream connection. When they 1st put it out it was not well known and had no devices for it.
Do you remember the mp3 player interfaces before the iphone came out?
just one problem with that idea, there are 2 of you with a nokia
just buy the tools and fix the phone yourself, then if anything else breaks off that needs to be super glued back on you know how to fix it