lol, bro, you realize its partly due to nokia not wanting to mess around with CDMA/qualcom?
cheapest place is ebay for OEM stuff direct from hong kong, 7day turn around typically. There are a ton of US 3rd party retailers selling OEM stuff, but it’s usually more money. nokia europe has great forums with US support to get around our domestic bloatware and other things that cripple our devices here. My E71x is great, stripped it, formatted it, use open source Symbian S60 software.
Ok and this compares to him going into the apple store how?
What exactly are you bitching about? The Apple store isn’t the god of all stores. Its a genius bar which pretty much gives you advice. You do need an appointment which makes sense after hearing the dumb asses that come in bitching about how their icons vanish and other retarded stuff.
They don’t replace parts or stock a mute button for a phone or even do the repairs there. If its under warranty and not damaged, they will swap it out. If its your dumb fault for dropping it, you need to get it replaced by them for the price or do it yourself. Dont expect some part time “genius” at the Apple store to solder a piece into your phone.
i’m sorry i answered Fry’s question, next time i’ll tell him to shut up and stay on topic. :whogives:
I say that because buying from a third party isn’t what the OP is complaining about. You can get parts for just about any phone you want from third party sources but the OP seems to expect apple to carry all sorts of shit like that for his phone as if other places actually do it, and they don’t.
Apple can suck my banana.
I’ve never owned anything besides the ipod touch I bought off frost and I never even use it. FML
yesterday I learned that Nokia produces 7 phones per second. just a little fun fact, but also might be why their parts are so readily available.
They will replace the switch, or more likely replace the phone.
Make a appointment online and show up. Should be a 10-20 min procedure if you pick a off hour.
They WILL help you out with basic issues if you don’t have a appointment… But they’re generally packed most of the time, so just showing up and sliding in does not work. You need a appointment. They dont sell switches at the retail stores.
ok so no one else finds it strange that you have to setup an appointment for tech support as if you were taking your dog to the vet?
If you’re going to buy a main-stream-consumer phone, you have to deal with main-stream-consumer means of fixing it.
There isn’t some iPhone forum where someone can source parts? iPhone users can’t ALL be mindless zombies
Is there seriously another person on this forum who’s into Nokia phones??? lol
I’ve never had a problem with my phone, but I also haven’t even updated the firmware yet. I don’t mess around too much when I buy them. I’m using an E90 and I’ve had it for 3.5+ years.
Don’t rain on my hate parade.
In general, ignore me. :tup:
:tif: :mamoru:
ever go to a verizon store and have to wait 20 minutes in one line just to be sent to a different line?
Yeah, i’d take an appointment over that shit any day.
well if you do it by yourself there is prob a good how to on
Verizon I’ve gone 3 times with friends to keep them entertained while waiting. It’s very frustrating in there.
Still they get the job done usually so they aren’t horrible. AT&T/Cingular blow donkey’s for customer service
+2 for nokia. I was all set to buy an E71x til they did that stupid requiring PDA data if you buy your smartphone from AT&T thing, so now i’m holding off for a good deal on something unlocked, E75 or N97. Their RF and battery life have always been the best and I really like Symbian. I’m using a Blackjack II for the past year but before that I had 6 symbian phones.
no doubt joe, Symbian fans are few and far between it seems… congratulations to Iphone users on just getting MMS btw. i can doggle my phone with Nokia software, use a free chat app to use wifi to talk via VOIP for free. all of this is with a LOCKED and BRANDED phone. i got mine from amazon wireless, and the PDA plan is only required for 6 months, then i can change my phone online back to my 6300i, and swap back to a $15 data plan and put the sim back into my E71x.
Seems like you hold a lot of iPhone hate :lol:
I’m sure it’s not hate of the iphone, just the mindless consumerism that drives people to buy one then gives them the impression that it’s the end-all-be-all of phones.
Maybe we should start a Nokia thread. :tup:
Apple innovates every market it touches. It’s just that simple. There are flaws and growing pains along the way and nothing is ever gonna be perfect. With a HUGE user base, “mindless” or not comes a HUGE support and development base. Many of the apps available for the iphone/ipod touch are nothing short of amazing. With innovation and HUGE success comes lots of hate as well. I don’t think Steve Jobs cares much about the hate though.