Reason #0616589877 that Euro's > domestics

sit down. shut up. :kiss:

more to a car than road coursesā€¦ watch their review of the ford gt if you can find it onlineā€¦

but its $900,000 cheaper than the Mercedes, and and $500,000 cheaper than the Porsche :slight_smile:

iā€™d take a 996 TT over anything if money wasnt a THANG :booty:

unfortunately it is

theres more to a car than performance numbers too.

walloping in cars that we will never own :greddy2:

:squint: Its tradition.

another useless PITTspeed drama thread.

98% of slowcamaros Post :kekegay:

wheres the drama

domistic import battle deid give it the fuck up darksrar!

who the fuck is darksrar? and whats a domistic?

fuck u asshole!!!riding logiks nuts to asshole!!!

:drama: :drama: :drama: :drama:


is there a NOOb thread yet :confused: :kekegay:

I :love: Logik

Weā€™ve had our spats over the years though. :kekegay:


ur both assholes!!!

Drama :rolleyes: