Reason #0616589877 that Euro's > domestics

737lbs of tq, 884 with the restrictor removed. The seats inflate when you go around turns to help hug your body.

id hit it

I fucking hate top gear, Englishmen need to die :kekegay:

yeah right… that show is great.

Chad speaks the truth. Dont hate because they trashed the C6.

C6 trashes itself…

he said the 350z was junk too!


but what car did jeremy clarkson buy, and state it was the best car built to date?? ohh thats a Ford GT.

yup. i have the one i think


so you just contradicted yourself with top gear. they stated how great it was… that he went out and bought one


umm… yes you did

you stated how valid their opinion was… but they state the best car built to date is a Ford

don’t back pedal… go find another internet source about cars. those brits fell in love with the GT


Please quote where I said their opinion was valid. Hell, the article isnt even a comparison article. I was the one that stated that Euro > Dumbestic

and i stand by my comment. :kekegay:

you’re using them as the arguement, and your topic is the statement :slight_smile:

it’s just ironic you come on here stating how much better euros are than domestics. And use an article written by a television show that believes the Ford GT is the best automobile produced. Irony owns you

i wasnt really trying to start an arguement. and :rofl: @ comparing a sport sedan with a Ford GT. Name an American sedan that comes within 400ft-lbs of that thing.

Heaps of shit TOP GEAR shows :rolleyes: enjoy :booty:

they dont and its an amazing car. but im just saying that euros are not better than domestics.

and if you want to get real technical the Cadillac 16 does. 1000hp/1000tq