Reason #1268 not to eat at Taco Bell...

eh. i wanted taco bell this morning when i woke up today and i still want taco bell.

my x is a manager there, and she dosent let me eat 90% of the food, even if i want it and get mad cuz she wont giv it to me, she tells me it is absolutly gross, the shit that goes on there

Yeah but thats said about any place that somebody works. I can tell you guys horror stories about Friendly’s but I still eat there knowing what actually goes on.

I lived it and I still eat it. In fact I eat extra to make up for the vegans in the world.

boosts the immune system :slight_smile:

whatever doesnt kill you, only makes u stronger

I once spent a night puking–> dry heaving --> and peeing liquid caca out my bum bum after eating Taco Bell.

thats mighty taco and me… oooo man thats fun… 4 super mightys and 35 minutes i better have a toilet

anyone that works or has worked at any type of restaraunt should know that…

it’s not the food as it comes in the building that’s the problem, it’s the disgusting people who don’t prepare it properly that fuck shit up. I blame the lazy scumbag employees. (not that all of them are)

I wouldn’t even consider Taco Bell a restaurant. More like a shithole that serves people shitty tacos that give you the shits.

I bet there is more rat in the meat than there are running around their ceilings.

I’ve only had Taco Bell probably 2 dozen times in my life and have been sick from it two or three times, and know many others who have been too.

you people have weak stomachs. I eat taco bell all the time, and Mighty every time im in buffalo. the next day ill have a fiery shit, but Never actual issues

I’m not talking about having to shit, but seriously being sick. Taco Bell has made me really sick.

I’ve eaten at Mighty for 15 years and it has never gotten me sick.

and this thread gets 5 stars…


How can you even tell that’s a Taco Bell?

Is a red/blue chair exclusive to that restaurant chain?

when i see all those rats im just wondering if they arent just supplemental meat in case they run out.

ahaha after taco bell i always have to shit my brains out or the next morning i will be on the toilet for about 30mins just shitting water or something of that nature. only thing i get there is the cheesy potatos

taco bell > mighty taco

i fucking hate mighty taco.