Recommended shop?

I have an electrical problem - my interior light fuse keeps on blowing…
any shops you guys would recommend to find and fix the problem?

I took it to the dealers, and they can only recommend putting the aftermarket parts (deck and alarm) back to stock…
because of this I need to find a shop that is able to work with those parts to find the problem…

just a bit of background info: I bought the car in its current state 2 years ago, everything has been fine up to now… the deck is connected to that fuse, but I’ve removed it and the fuse still blows…

Innovative or Hybrid…support forum vendors

I am an ASE certified Master Technician, electrical diagnosis is one of my specialties. I would be more than happy to look into the issue. I would like to know what kind of car it is. This is something you have not mentioned.



Of course they told you that. Anything to get you out of there quick.


you will look at it, and then get pissed and say “why the fuck did i say i’d do this wiring job!!!”
then you will play Cowboys from Hell, and things will get better for a while, but it will start again. its a never ending circle of evil when wiring is involved :slight_smile:

oh, and :tup:. give it to one of the vendors, they love wiring. its like an early christmas gift for them.

I love looking at other peoples nightmares …

if Don doesnt feel like it … we will fix it … no prob …

befire this goes any farhter does ur ciggarette lighter work/ if not is there osme object in it? i see this all the time

^^^^^^^^ :tup: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

hahahahahahaha Wow you know me soo well. :slight_smile: I heart Zerodaze. :beer:

you’re right, a lipped washer was stuck there… now I got to figure what damage (aka their fix) the dealer did…

if we ever meet up, I’ll buy you a beer… thanks for help

ahahah i win

hahaha ive seen that happen a handfull of times!!!

i do the same thing when workin with electical problems