Red Cobra on 279n

Foxbody > 94-2004 :boink:


we raced a couple times. I was on my shit tranny with no 2nd gear synchro. I ripped the fuck out of your SS out of the hole, then got owned trying to shift to 2nd. Then we roll raced on the highway and we were just about dead even, with you pulling about a carlength from 40-120.

thought you were reffering to the cobra

The talon was sold before you even got the Cobra. :hsugh:

yes…i remember that night

x2 :beer:


I take it that talon was quick. I always here hooked up ones are pretty sick 0-50 but after that they don’t pull that hard? I dont mean slow but I mean its easy to get a v-8 off the line but you would be hoping the race don’t go over 80 or so. Also I hear they don’t hold up that well when modded? Any of this true?

you hear to much and dont see much.

yeah… getting an automatic rwd car out of the hole is tough :ugh: :ugh: :ugh2:


actually Darkstar’s Talon got raped 6 ways to sunday by my SS.

But he likes to say it was a close race. Remember, ricers judge races by distance

Fact is, you lost 4x

Who said anything about an auto? :dunno: Auto aint that tough I was referring to manuals. My point was its easier to get traction off the line with AWD than it is with a RWD for the average driver.


it ran pretty strong for all the more that was put into it. I will agree that its strongsuit definately wansnt top end, but I think a lot of that was the AWD. brokeasskorean’s Eclipse is FWD and was a banshee on the highway. I remember handing a couple of kids in a C5 their ass about 5 minutes after he installed his big injectors. We were just going out on the highway to try to get the AFC somewhere close to dialed in and the second we got on the highway two young guys in a Vette went roaring by. We caught up to them and gave them three runs, trouncing them each time. George was even nice enough to wave goodbye to them as we tore past.

Anywho, my talon stayed pretty much right with Blue4’s 02 SLP SS which dynoed 333RWHP on 40-120mph runs. He pulled a little but not much. I also roll raced with a vortech supercharged Roush Stage II Stang. We were dead even on the roll, but I raped him by about 5 carlenghts from a stop. We then raced again with him spraying a 75 shot and I still took him by about two cars at the end of the marked off 1/4. They are great cars to mod. The problem is that people buy them for super cheap with a bunch of miles, slap the bare minimum on them to go fast, and then break them. And their trannys are total shit. But if you do preventative upgrades such as getting the tranny rebuilt correctly BEFORE it pops, then you should be ok.


Unless you are talking about the one race where I had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting you when you pitched it half sideways doing about 120 on a flat, straight section on 70, then no. You never put more than a car and a half between us, which in my book is pretty close when going the whole way from 40-120+, especially with my AWD disadvantage. And as far as getting beat 4 times, we were roll racing. Unless someone misses a shift its gonna be the same result every time. :ugh:

You should still be counting your lucky stars that I was on a bad tranny, cause the way I hung with you on the highway theres no way you would have been coming back from that lead I put on you from the one race that went from a stop.

for the average driver, launching a RWD car is way easier. Launching a 4cyl AWD car is a bitch. A 7.8:1cr 2.0L off boost has NO torque, so you either have to rev it to 7K and drop it hoping nothing in your drivetrain explodes. Even then theres still a good possibility that you’re just gonna bog. To really do it right you have to slip the clutch hard to get the car on boost, then let it out at just as it starts to make power or else you’ll just smoke your clutch up or start burning off all 4 tires. Its not all that hard to get a feel for it, but it takes a lot of practice.

it was more then likly my buddy rick ill talk to him tomarrow see what he says
