red evo @ us auto mart

in adamsburg

anybody know the cars history-
or previous owner?

looks good from the speed trap:bigok:

dont even think about it…ur too cool for a fag car like that

Don’t know anything about the car, but have been told to stay away from that dealership. Couple of stories about situations where VIN’s on cars and titles don’t match.

Saw the car too, looks nice! They did have an STi there for a few weeks as well. They have some pretty nice looking stuff from time to time.

Gotta love the speed trap. Have you ever seen the one they supposedly use by Pitt rental, that uses some sort of thing that looks like a field goal post? Heard about it, seen it in the paper, but never seen it in use.

It looked good when I drove by test driving the Audi.

my friends dad owns that dealership and his son drove it for atleast 2 months and still dose everyonce in awhile…but from what he told me it has a few goodies in the motor and it has really low miles

Hmm I sent you a PM about the VIN thing and why you were told to stay away? That’s my Dad’s dealership and has been in the business for 17 years and I have never heard of anything like that.

The Red EVO VIII was my 3rd EVO. The STI that was there was mine too (2nd one). I just picked up an 06 M3 today so we’ll see how that compares! :slight_smile:

Yes, you are right Wayne. It did have several goodies; cams, exhaust, downpipe, hks RS, and some other little things. Mileage wasn’t too low considering my last EVO had only 1,800 miles.

But yea guys, the car sold today actually. Somebody traded a Scion xB on it. Maybe I should drive that! :tool:

wow that sucks but i’m sure he/shes very happy at this point

But yea guys, the car sold today actually. Somebody traded a Scion xB on it. Maybe I should drive that! :tool:[/QUOTE]

i just wanted info on maybe trading in the eclipse for it-

ill keep my eyes on the lot- im very performance minded and i like your taste in cars so far(sti-evo-m3 etc)

ourlancerevos- pm me if you come up with something hot and are willing to make a deal

not just any deal either
i used to sell new and used cars and know all the tricks and bullshit that go with it
so dont waste my time

Oh yea I’m sure they’re loving it. That thing really put you back in your seat. It’s hard letting my babies go all the time, but hey, it’s our job! :slight_smile:

and if you guys never saw it…here she is:

Sounds good. I’m glad you worked at a car dealership. We have people coming literally from all over the country for these cars on eBay so you better make a move fast next time you see something you like.

Anything particular in mind? If so, PM me I’ll get for next week.

Those rims look sick on that thing

Thanks man! :smiley: Those were my favorite thing about the car. I got them here: if anyone is interested in them.

And here is another picture…

im not happy about it at all- it sucked lying to people everyday

i have money and credit so i dont have to be in a rush for anything -its just car number 5 at that point for me

that ;plus the fact that i like to jack off with my money then fuck my bitch means
i dont have a car in mind that i must have right now-ever
there is always next years models-

that thing is sick looking, how much did it sell for?

Got your PM. Your question was VERY generic (you were told to stay away?) and answered in my post. You may never have heard it, but it was told to me.

Not sure where you worked but that doesn’t sound good. :down:

Thank you. PM me about price.