Red platy fish

Had the fish a couple years. We got it for my daughter and she’s lost all interest in it and I’m tired of taking care of it. Will toss in a small 1/2 full can of fish flakes. I’m keeping the small tank.

I don’t want to make this sound like a threat, but come and get before it gets released locally and almost certainly eaten or takes a ride on the porcelain express. Sadly I have just enough emotional attachment to this stupid fish that I don’t want to see it meet either fate.

Not actual fish, but looks like this:

If you"re looking for a home I’ll take it. There is more than enough room in my 60 gallon.

:tup: PM me an address and a good day/time to drop it off weekday evenings.

60 gallons of piranhas!

I’ll feed them to killer :yumyum:

Gone. Thanks.