Redbull World Drift Championships

Redbull World Drift Championships are this weekend, here is the roster of Canadians heading down that I know of:

Looks like there will be good support for Canada at Redbull this year:

  1. Colin Reeves (Alberta)
  2. Loren Sansregret (Alberta)
  3. Alex Lee (Ontario)
  4. Alex Crepault (Quebec)
  5. Seth Patterson (Quebec)
  6. Vlad Crown (Ontario)
  7. Pat Cyr (Ontario)
  8. Mark Bernardo (Ontario)
  9. Kendrick (Ontario)
  10. Marco Santon (Quebec)
    11 ) Haig Kanadjian (Quebec)
  11. John (Quebec)
  12. Robin (Quebec)
  13. Vlad (Quebec)

Redbull Roster:

  1. Tanner Foust
  2. Samuel Hubinette
  3. Rhys Millen
  4. Daijiro Yoshihara
  5. Chris Forsberg
  6. Michihiro Takatori
  7. Vaughn Gittin, Jr.
  8. Conrad Grunewald
  9. Robbie Nishida
  10. Ryuji Miki
  11. Darren McNamara
  12. Stephan Verdier
  13. Ken Gushi
  14. Bill Sherman
  15. Justin Pawlak
  16. Kyle Mohan
  17. Katsuhiro Ueo
  18. Daigo Saito
  19. Garry Whitter
  20. Marco Santos
  21. Luke Fink
  22. Leighton Fine
  23. Tim Marshall
  24. Ben Broke-Smith
  25. Tengku Djan Ley
  26. Mike Whiddet
  27. Paul Vlasblom
  28. Remmo Niezen
  29. Fredric Aasbo
  30. Carl Ruiterman
  31. Eric O’Sullivan
  32. James Deane

I hate you all for going.
Im stuck here with school and work…


Where’s Girards name on that list?

haha…its not much fun right now…22hrs of driving…crashing in nashville for a couple hours then heading out again. Our dually E450 pulls nice though…no accidents so far…haha

I’ll be posting pics and updates on my photoblog:

Martino, you should be here dude

Waah I want to go watch the pro’s slide at 160km/h with the sunset and the sea in the background!

Kendrick, you know the location yet?

I wish dude,
I’m broke, so no money for a flight, I’ve got school and I have work…

This does not work with my schedule lol…

Again, i hate you all lmao

Damn I want to see how Marco stacks up against the US Drivers.

Also interested in seeing JTP drive. I remember when he was an amateur attending Just Drift sessions and ripping it up at HTM. I haven’t seen him drive PRO so I’m real interested in how he does. I remember him beating Forrest at Nopi though. Now that I mention Forrest, surprised he’s not on the list!

Incase you guys don’t know…

Wow, hes fast and crazyyy.
Sick work.

Youtube Forrest Wang.

These guys were grassroot guys that were unsponsored and made it big.

Some sick skill.
True hard workers.

EDIT: he even daily drifts his car on the street lmaoo check out the random videos haha

man i wish canada didnt have any snow xD

dude… even the guys you THINK are big still dont make enough to buy a home and raise a family.

it’d be nice to go to this though.

SEMA was meh…

Good luck to the home town boys.

justin pawlaks’ fc is diiiirty, i remeber reading his build up on ziptied and watchn his interview on nopi.“who’s ur pit crew? dad”


After hanging our with the guys from Garage Boso (Frank Schrath and Ross Petty) who build and maintain some of the Falken Cars this statement couldn’t be more true. The live in a rented house with 4 other people for a total of 6 people and barely scrape by.

^^ DAMN…The life of a Drifter…