The event was cancelled due to confusion. People thought they were paying the $20 registration fee to line up and punch him in the face while the car show was free.
The car show was scheduled to be outside across the street from the Museum, not inside. I still thought they would have the show as it was in connection between Redline and the auto museum and had nothing to do with DeNooyer. Redline is still in business right? So they still should be having the car show, unless “Howard was Howard” towards the museum people. Had a decent turnout last year.
I’ll still be there with my htr750 camaro. Bitches.
it was gay went to it last tony madia invited me then howard made me park in the weeds so people wouldnt see my car…bunch of homos
Cause u brought fried rice to a fucking steak house.
+1 Yeah they made my Nismo & Craig’s SRT8 Jeep Park way in back!
I’m also friends with Tony Madia. I stumbled into him & his g/f at last years show. Cool dude!
:cone:cone:cone:cone:conewho cares about wred wine:cone:cone:cone:cone:cone