Redline Motorsports? good or bad

Yep, that goes perfectly with what he said above your post :facepalm

Good info and discussion exists here, it’s just hard to find it as everybody thinks they are a comedian and kill the crowd with their witty posts.

I don’t exactly agree with that. But then again, the only nismo parts on my car are:

Finned Diff cooler cover
V3 body kit thats OEM
Nismo gauge cluster

Autech tuned the suspension. Additional welds, braces, dampers etc which I have improved upon. It’s not a drag car simply put.

Oh stop complaining. This shit is never serious. I agree with you about a lot of the stuff on this forum… but you are getting bit anal.

Just read this entire thread. This Nismo dude is a putz. I really can’t believe he bashed Synapse, especially Paul.

That would be shift lol

I understand that you are ~33yrs old, but I would hardly call myself or some others that chimed in here “young” and definitely wouldn’t call them “punks”. It seems like you blew something out of proportion that didn’t need to be… I still fail to see how removing a crank bolt would ruin the seal, but I do agree with you that the factory balancer is probably the best anyhow. Good day, Mr. Zimmerman.

I would say a majority of the people on here are “young.” I’m the resident grandfather at age 35… right Pete! LOL

This guys a complete joke. Its a local forum that supports local businesses that have not screwed them over and then you go ahead and complain about a job that did get done and nothing was broken. Get real you clown.

Yeah that will set things straight, call him a clown and it’s game over.

Name calling solves errrdything.

I’m sure redline has plenty of satisfied customers yet we see no problem in bashing them while we “support local businesses”.

A guy is entitled to his opinion, god forbid he disagrees with the mass mob.

Zero problem bashing Redline since ‘they’ have ripped off/disrespected enough people, including myself and several others on here. Makes no difference that they are local or not.

its pretty bad when domestic owners dont even go to redline…

I would let morgan do anything to my car anyday, over rlm…

hence, the reason why I had work done to my car outside the 518, and I think its safe to say it runs pretty damn good for how little is done to it.

it wouldnt run nearly as good if I stayed local, and im not talking about Morgan…

I actually had a tune appointment scheduled with Morgan last year, but the car he was tuning that day on the dyno, was having problems so he had to cancel me. I never rescheduled. Not because of him, I just put my money somewhere else.

Gotta do what you gotta do. All of my engine work goes to Vermont and my tuner comes from CT

Im glad you realize this:number1

You aren’t the oldest! I’m 28 myself but I don’t consider that to be young.

I’m just saying Im sure he’s not the only person in the world to not leave Synapse happy, it’s just the nature of running a business is that you can’t please everyone.

Yet people are burning him at the stake for having an opinion on the matter which he delivered in a rather mature fashion just to be greeted with personal attacks and name calling as if everybody here has a stake in the business.

I’m sure synapse will continue doing very well whether they have him as a repeat customer or not.

I just find it funny that you guys are all for supporting local businesses yet when I try to make a rule to try to improve this struggling venture I get hostile treatment in return, yet this is by far the cheapest and most used local auto related business in the area.

Well put Sir!.

I find it funny how this guy over exaggerated every thing and then brought another person’s business with Synapse into the thread with out even knowing him or any thing about the build. But I suppose its ok to support liars though right?

Why cause I am not in your circle jerk of friends?. I meet and know alot of members here from the valley and local shows. I may not be on first name and last name basis with them but that doesn’t mean we don’t exchange conversations… Hell, I have a hard enough time remembering my friends/friends names or g/f’s names! lol

You have anger management issues dude! Get a life!.. Douche

Opps, Sorry I am stooping to your level now. My bad! :bowdown

Youre an idiot. Your car is dumpy and slow. You stretched the shit out of things you knew nothing about. You know tons of members on here from the valley, yet no one seems to know you at all. Im out there usually once a week, ive seen you car maybe once.

I might get into trouble for this but NISMO thanks for hijacking my thread. I am not usually like this, but your attitude and your arrogance on the thread I started frankly has pissed me off. It is obvious that you have no mechanical knowledge. Another guy that spends all night reading a manual and thinks he is an expert. Your car will never compete with a prepared corvette. And if YOU ever want to run a track event bring it. So sick of people saying “my friends car does this and my friends car did this”. Either put up or shut up. If you do not own it or have won any track awards ZIP it.If you had a problem you should have talked to the owner of the company. Sorry guys but I just hate idiots like him. I have raced a few of the cars you have mentioned and handed it to them BIGTIME. So get a clue and start a new thread. I have seen you before at the track, just so you know most people think you are an idiot. Another guy who thinks he has a little money and no clue. Just the type of guy I punish at the track. With no words. just actions.