RedSSNA > Jen's RSX-S

Cobalt SS (2.4 I/H/E/Tune)
RSX-S (Stock)

40 mph roll on XXXXXX. Jen had about a fender jump before Matt got on it. Still a good run.

lame video.

Lame post. :roll2:

were cars in front of the camera man? because it literally shut off right after the two cars punched.

The cars in front were letitroll and cobraman doing there own pull. It was a 40-90 pull. It doesn’t last all that long.

i guess i was confused by those two infront of it.

lame fucking video.

I could have just wrote up a lame kill story like most? I guess if you don’t have an HD camera the videos are lame?

not gonna lie i was a lil lost watching that too haha hows the 240 running?

ughhh its still a cavy, either way :tup: i like the 240 in the sig.

Who’s Jen?

i forget her name on here but she been around for awhile

Why are you posting all of these topics about beating shitty slow cars?

yea that vid = teh fail. I cant stand night time kill vids anymore. You cant fucking see shit, ever.

a story would’ve been far better.

Can’t see shit.

You follow the action of the cars infront of you, which you are too far away from to really distinguish anything.

You miss the start of the pull of the kill that you posted.
you can’t see the other car of the kill that you posted for the first 5-10 seconds.
You can’t seem to keep the viewfinder steady.
When someone actually starts pulling you still can BARELY make out what the other vehicle is.
They’re still 14-15 second cars.

Yea, I would MUCH rather read a fucking Tercelica kill story then watch this.



oh, and OT, is this the RSX that got rev’d to 13k a couple yrs ago?

You said yourself, the cars in front were to far to distinguish what was happening so why should I continue to try and record that?

I didn’t really miss the start of the pull, the camera just wouldn’t zoom out fast enough. Whatever, thats my fault. I’m sorry but I don’t own an uber sweet HD camera that can record cyrstal clear night time videos. I used what I had to work with. It also doesn’t help that the camera car was on the right but it wasn’t really a planned race at that point. It just kind of happened so I did the best I could.

You could have shown this jen broad popping the hood…