Register your trailer in Maine

That is news to me, I’ve inspected dozens of snowmobile trailers over the years. Along with my own sled, boat & camper trailers. Here is a price chart for vehicle inspections in NY.It does have trailers on it so i’m pretty sure they must be inspected each year. Hey, it’s Ny, they are gonna get cash any way they can.

Yes trailers need an inspection. Homebuilts need to be inspected after the ygive you the VIN.

My NY Vehicle Inspection license expired a few years ago, and its been ~7 yrs since I was actively using it…

I’m positive that trailers required annual NYSIs, although we didn’t see many - we definately ahd to inspect a few. Homebuilts needed to obtain a VIN first, but otherwise it was the same requirement.


Funny how NY just seems to let trailers slide though. I mean hell, they don’t even mention it on the DMV site.

@30 a year for the boat trailer I think I’ll just stick with my NY registration. If it avoids getting pulled over once and having to go to court to prove I’m legit it has more than paid for itself in time saved.

Scroll down to the section titled “Special conditions”… “All trailers are subject to an annual safety inspection.”

Registering a vehicle in NYS

$30 per year isn’t bad. Since it’s based on the gross wieght my trailer being a car hauler is close to $90/yr. If I take it out say 9 times per year, that’s $10 each time I take it out of the shop. Not terribly fair. DMV’s position is that I’m paying for the privilege of road use for it. And I could take it out as much as I wanted. In Maine it’s a flat $43 for 2 years or just over $2 each time I take it out. Minus of course the annual inspection fees too.

While I think it’s peanuts, I guess I feel that NYS needs to start seeing how pissed off people are at all the damn fees we have to pay. Their response however will likely be to simply work to close any remaining loopholes.

All trailers are subject to an annual safety inspection. With these exceptions, the procedure to register a light-duty trailer is the same as the procedure to register a motor vehicle.

Good job. I wasted so much time looking for that.

I’ll still take my chances considering the number of miles and years I’ve gotten away with it. This will be the year I get busted though now that I’ve said that.

I can see what you mean about paying $10 per time you use your trailer being a lot. My trailer on the other hand gets used at least twice a week in the summer, sometimes more. So for $30 it’s not a bad deal.

enforcement is a whole nother issue, and word.

My old covered snowmobile trailer had a fake license plate up high & in the middle of my cover it said, "WINTER RULES Ski-Doo along with the real plate mounted down low by the rear wheel. I got pulled over by a Alden Cop who said, thats not a real plate! & I said I know, the Real one is where it’s supposed to be, & pointed to it. He said , oh, checked my reg & ins & said have a nice ride. I bet he felt dumb huh?

I use the same plate for my boat trailer, utility trailer, car dolly, and jet ski. I think I pay like $15 a year. If I ever get stopped I will just say that I must have mixed up the plates.

So my friend called the Maine DMv today to get clarification on the new registration deal. She spoke to a really nice lady.

The original post is correct if you want to title it in Maine.

However if you have a NYS title and just want to register it in Maine you can do it yourself and via the mail. Forty three dollars for 2 years plus shipping for the plates.

The lady is sending out several sets of forms and instructions, should be here in a couple of days.

Wow, helpful people, easy process, cheap. What a concept.

Bump, I am thinking about doing this. How do you set it for 15yrs? I know this is super old, but hoping enough people have done it by now to get more info.

Geez I totally forgot about this when I registered my trailer here in NYS

i’m glad you bumped this. thanks

I register all my dad’s trailers here in Texas because NYS blows.

He has however already been stopped by police asking him why he has Texas plates on his trailer. (Which I think is total bull!) They usually hassle him a little about the Texas plate, ask him why etc etc. He just tells them straight up that it is way cheaper to have his son in Texas register it then it is for him to in NY and they look shocked and tell him to have a nice day.

Technically there isn’t anything illegal about it, and technically I don’t think an out of state plate is reasonable cause to pull someone over but they do.

Im looking at registering a trailer (car hauler) and heard about doing it online for the state of Maine. I guess its cheaper, doesnt need inspection, and good for multiple years before a renewal. Wondering if anyone has done this before or is it more headache than worth?


Trailer in question:
2011 18 ft Quailty, clean title, 2080 weight

I did it with mine a few months ago and it’s a very simple process that saves money and gives you a 5 year registration rather than doing NY annually.

Where did you buy your trailer? Having a hard time finding anything on the used market.

If you do this, be sure to update with your experience. Ill be headed this route in a couple months. I don’t see a reason that they could hassle you if you got pulled over.

I probably should have titled this thread better:

Funny this is brought up because I know someone who was just ticketed for a Maine plate over the weekend. lol