Register your trailer in Maine

My car trailer is registered in VT because NYS gave me a hard time over the VIN being too short. Previous owner had it registered in VT, so I just drove to Bennington and they let me register it no problem.

Been that way for 5 years, no hassles.

So if you’re a NY resident it’s illegal to barrow or rent a trailer from out of state? I’d fight a ticket like that for sure. Bastards

Also everyone should state a business in Utah and have their cars registered their as company vehicles. They have no inspection 10 year registration and not sales tax.

hmmmm interesting and i have done 3 or 4 trailers with maine plates never had a issue quick and easy and cheap! fuck nys :slight_smile: thats what i say

I work for a major transportation company and all of our trailers are registered in Maine. Heck all of our trucks are registered in Oklahoma even though our account in based up here in New York (Our company headquarters are down in Arkansas).

Hmm… I was just looking into this… Well worth it to me as I have 3 trailers and looking to buy another large enclosed. NYS gets enough of my money with registering all the toys…

Talked to a Maine trailer registration place. Looks like I can’t wiggle out of paying taxes on the trailer since it’s brand new and there is no title. All Maine needs is a title, bill of sale, and their information packet filled out.

I could title it in Maine, pay 5% Maine sales tax, but he told me to title it in NYS, so if I ever do have to register it in NY for some reason, I don’t pay the tax on it again in NY.


Anyone have any new info on the Maine trailer deal? Are people getting pulled over for it?

Have a trailer I’m thinking of registering in Maine.

I’ve had no issues and I’m working with the Staab Agency in Maine. They call me or send me a letter when it’s time to renew, I fill out of a form and pay some money, they send me a new sticker. I’ve had Maine plates for a couple years now, so does my father with his race car trailer, (knock on wood) no tickets for out of state plates.

I saw a Maine plate on a landscaping company trailer yesterday on N.Forest.

Still not worth the potential hassle for me for the little bit of money I’d save on a $20.50/yr snowmobile trailer reg and $35ish/yr boat trailer reg.

I guess I don’t even care about the money, I just don’t want to go through the hassle of getting it inspected yearly.

Ive never taken a trailer to get inspected.

I’ve still never had a trailer inspected. Been towing trailers since I was 16. In that time I’ve been through a couple police check points and never been asked about a trailer inspection. Last year an Erie County sheriff pulled me over with the snowmobile trailer because I had no plate (it fell off and I had no idea because it tucked way under the trailer). He said he’d run the registration and when everything came back not only did he not ticket me but he printed out the form I needed to get the replacement plate. Several years back a state trooper pulled me over with my boat trailer near Alex Bay because he claimed I was weaving. Again ran my reg, sent me on my way. I pull my boat trailer once or twice a week, from Amherst, down the 290 then over through Tonawanda of all places, and have never been pulled over or questioned about an inspection. There may be some language about trailers needing to be inspected in the official NY regs but with no specific place the inspection sticker needs to be on the trailer no one is looking as long as you have working lights and the correct year reg sticker on your plate.

What I’m getting at is I bet you’re far more likely to get hassled by a cop over your gray area Maine plate being towed by your NY plate vehicle than if you have a NY plate and never get the trailer inspected.

You don’t inspect any of your motorcycles (maybe the new one) and you’re worried about a trailer inspection? lol.

I have had a few trailers, always registered in NY and I have never inspected them. I was even pulled over by a trooper and ticketed for a truck inspection but not asked about the trailer inspection. They did ask about the trailer registration though, which I had in the truck with me.

I didn’t bother to go through the maine registration BS for my trailers because they were all used and light duty.

i rode a 600RR for 4 years and put 20 k miles on it, pulled over at least 6 times on it as well as went through a couple of checkpoints and not once was bothered about not having an inspection. I’ve never been bothered about a trailer inspection either even after getting fix it tickets on my one trailer bc one brake light was intermittant despite checking it over before I left…

I pull my 18ft flatbed i have no intention of renewing the registration or inspection on it. It would be nice if I could just buy a lifetime registration. having 4 registered cars and a trailer is a hassle to deal with. I have never been puled over in my work van or while pulling my trailer. I think cops just don’t give a shit about a big white van driving slowly pulling a trailer.