Registering a "gifted" car

Anyone ever do this before and know how it works as far as what I need to register a car I was given. More specifically do i need a bill of sale that says It was gifted to me or something that just states value as like 1$ or something. Thanks


Really depends on who it came from. Spouse, child, parent I think are the only onces allowed without tax. So if it wasn’t a gift from one of those you’re better off getting a low value bill of sale.

NYS DMV site has info. Form 802 and 803

i know there is a form to fill out when a car was a “gift”, but only family members qualify for this. otherwise the lowest value the DMV allows a vehicle to be purchased for is $10

Wrd thanks guys, Its would be parents, so I’ll see what I can come up with, if not $10 bill of sale FTW.

I know people who have been audited though…

write up a good receipt that says “damaged as is”

no more mini van?!

No mingle I still have the minivan. For the longest time i was driving it registered and insured by my parents, However I had and accident a few months back and the insurance company now knows I exist haha. Long story short they lopped me on the van and its SUPER fucking expensive, to the point where at age 20 my own insurance is cheaper, but I need the car in my name, hence whey I need to re-register it as a “gifted” car.

buy a miata, call it a day

Still need my bomb ass DD motherfucker :slight_smile:

For fuck’s sake you people, don’t post when you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

There is no sales tax on vehicles purchased from immediate family members. If it’s not an immediate family member you are charged tax on fair market value even if you didn’t pay one red cent.

Section 5, Line 2.

Thank you sir.

:thankyou: You know owe me one beer. :tup:

You got it my friend :wink:

apple juice in this case, you realize he is only 12 right? :wiggle:

Hey now. I drive my daddy’s car, I have to be at least 16 :wink:

lol my bad ian, i didnt realize you had grown up so much since i left the valet business! :slight_smile:

HaHa I still look 12 LOL

Me too. It’s why I only shave once a week.

true story lol

I have to shave everyday before work and I still get yelled at. 10 o’clock shadow FTMFL!!!